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Friday, February 18, 2022

Living Simply & Happily

whatever fits...

Emotional baggage are lengthy, sticky and need to wax off over time, be it pain, regrets, triumphs, sweet nothings

I remembered the movie where the young lady ran away from home & lived with an elderly man she met while sleeping rough as his wife had left him earlier and ended having two sleep-in boyfriends. The young lady found a equal age guy to settle down as he couldn't 'satisfy' her after some years while the elderly happily settled with a gay partner; his hidden emotional wants

Everyone found happiness towards the end

You don't really know what you desire until your mind is settled

Happiness is relative

You can't give anyone happiness if he decides that his life is one of unfairness & misery - he sees the thorns more than he was ever able to enjoy the sweet smell the roses

Nature commands that we will go through 生老病死 & must 'enjoy' 酸甜苦辣; if everyday is sunshine, chances are you are in a desert

The difference is your emotions; the degree of fluidity & stability determines your level of happiness or misery

Some people get tired off easily or they are like "fish on a hook" and can see only one perspective

Night turns into day, misfortune turn lucky, sadness turn harmony... the cyclicals

Nothing is finite & time is one

Have faith with GOD & treat yourself well; nobody cares if you are in harmony with the universe

Life is like soccer; the goal keeper can keep out a thousand balls but if he allowed a score, he is judged

All the good you've done is expected of you but any wrongs, if discovered, carry penalties

That's the real equality; the world will never be equal - the earlier you accept it, the happier you will be

What is GOD? GOD is about love; nobody has seen GOD but many have felt the need to love, forgive & embrace harmony and peaceful coexistence

We are all made unique & have specific roles to play in our lives 做好本分

Let there be happiness & harmony all around

If you think Heaven is wonderful, why are you still here? Why not live heavenly on Earth instead? It's now or never...there may not be a/any heaven

Care & share, have compassion & help the less able & less fortunate

The less expectations you have, the less disappointments you'll get

Go with the flow & life's gonna be a breeze

The aborigines, red indians and dayaks were happy, and will still live happily, in their forested & green areas, away & undisturbed by urbanisation 

Whoever say materialism is supreme? You live live well

Don't worry, be happy

Whatever fits ... go with it

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