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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Potent Grit - Winning Is Everything

down but never, never out...

Somehow when misadventures strike, they flow 祸无单行 

When changes come too fast & swift, a steady mind & grit are necessary defences

The defences aren't against falling but to be able to get up again, bloodied maybe...but ready to be nursed back to fitness & return

It is not about the defeat but the ability to make a meaningful come back, well & alive; ready for the next challenge

The fight is in the dog, not the size

Life challenges are like fighting cancer - it is mind over body 

The Power of Beliefs in a Higher Being - the Great Lord - relieves lots of unnecessary sufferings

I will do my best & I will leave the rest - HE will take every negative ions off me

Man proposes, GOD disposes - the journey between being born and death is a choice

I have my fair share of defeats, especially lately...alas

I accept them as a wholesome but forced changes in my life - the discarding of the past & in with the new

Whatever is in store for me I don't know but I shalt walk ahead with "head in the air" aka bravely & stately

I am befuddled - the speed of changes hit me like a 200km windy tornado - before I rise again, the next batch of awful change bites

I may be down, definitely not out

This is my era of 'compassless' fights - challenges come from all directions, but...BUT... I believe in my ideals 路是人走出来的  条条大路通罗马

The Buddhisattva lives within me - the Zen 忍 of GOD deflects all ill-ions

 Zen - be the blade of grass that dances in the storm

What will I achieve tomorrow, I don't know but whatever I achieve will be a reflection of my intents

There is nothing more important than to live happily & healthily

Happiness within me will radiate into successes - the achievements where Kings & Paupers desire

Rest, if I must

I need not seek others understanding nor be bothered by others opinions; my conscience is crystal clear

Good friends are far & few in between - like ice in the mid-day sun, few can withstand the test of time

I am who I am; answerable to my internal clock & needs

没有如果 只有结果和后果 - 因果

Who dares win - & you harvest what you sow

Victory is sweetest when you defeat your opponents in their own grounds, without shooting a single shot

Battles are won unannounced - the surprise elements make winnings less elusive

Whatever fits; I will lie low until my fortunes return ... soon

I shall laugh away my worries and disappointments until victory returns

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Incurable LUCKY Guy

lifelessness is emotionally draining...

Alone is not loneliness but feeling lonely is a drain on our mental well being

Empty is not void but hollowness in feeling makes one live on knife's edge - unable to lead a peaceful, balance & stable life

Humans are social animals; they need companions and belonging

Even the occasional meet up boosts the spirit

Whatever passes may return to haunt happily & momentarily

Memories are made of everything nice - fleeting though

Saplings - the sign of hopes and abundance

Strengths are found in new growths - procreation ensure continuity

Sustainability dictates that the globe must be less polluted; the water, the air, the environment...

Plants, the greens, offer food and abundant oxygen

Nature has her ways of replenishing the greens if humans are less disruptive or extinct

From dusts to dusts, nothing is infinite but recyclable

When a person passes 60years old, 30% of his muscles degenerate. You need to 'work out' more to maintain the muscle mass

As the eagle aged, it needs to break it's claws & beak to allow re-growth & re-strengthening; the hunter must ensure his tools are ever-ready

Do not allow the slightest setback to drown you

The forest may be grand but a match stick can burn down a forest

The grand, old oak tree may fall in a storm whereas the blade of grass will dance blissfully in the wind

Go with the flow; when tired, rest 休息是为了走更长的路

There is strength is adversity; setbacks are not definitive

Fortunes favor the brave

All hurts, disadvantages & pains dissipate over time & daybreak shalt come

Be prepared, be ready 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 ; someday soon, victory returns

When you're a winner, the world comes to you

Let everyone who walks out on you regret their moves & winning is the best revenge

It is loneliest at the TOP... be there, done that

Monday, March 7, 2022

Win - Be Prepared

motivate thyself to conquer the impossible...

You must have a dragon hidden inside of you. When you need, you let that dragon out - Anderson Silva - Whatever you seek to achieve, you must have the fire in your belly

The best fighter is never angry - Lao Tzu -

A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough - Bruce Lee - Nobody can be logical if he is emotionally charged

Rewards for good service should not be deferred a single day - Sun Tzu - recognition for positive work must be reinforced in an instant

Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick - Bruce Lee - go with the flow & act swiftly

Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances - Jackie Chan - Adopt, if not adapt to overcome resistance. Iron is solid but rusts erode iron & weaken its matter

Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes - Gautama B - night turns into day as day turns into night & all shalt pass. When your path is right, victory is in sight

In the struggle between the stone and water, in time, the water wins - Japanese Proverb - Victory goes to the who dares, not necessarily the toughest, shrewdest nor bravest but the one with grit & stamina

How many things apparently impossible have nevertheless been performed by resolute men who had no alternative but death - Napoleon - When its a life or death challenge, many will make it alive; cowardice & doubts disappear

The natural cycles of 生老病死 life, aged, sick, death & 酸甜苦辣 sour, sweet, bitter, hot unending

Just be the BEST and leave the rest

The world will never be equal and only the fittest survive; it doesn't mean you will be left alone as some will trudge into your peaceful & undisturbed turfs 

Attack is the best defense

Be honest & never cut edges - it's unsustainable; the devil will return to haunt you

How able & capable you are, determine longer term success

This pic is a young bringing food to it's aged parent; a rare occurrence - it demonstrates that the earlier you learn a skill, the better prepared you are 冰冻三尺非一日之寒

When betrayed or short-changed, never get mad; get even - like a good martial artist, defeat them in their own game

Nobody is infallible - everyone has a dog's day when their biorhythm is low

If you fight, fight to win; cosmetic punches are a waste of time. Do not make a fool of yourself

Keep all  relationship warm; real, fake or pretentious

Some day, it will feel the impactful truth

Be a the player who wins the game with smartness, not smugness 

You are alone in your quest for victory - nobody but you are responsible for the betterment of your life

There is no "absolute", everything is "relative" - win some, loss less - the world is yours to conquer

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Keep Marching Til Success Comes

continue marching...

Whatever happens, life carries on

The globe continues to rotate & Man will live to enjoy or suffer the consequences

天 - Heaven is silent to all pleas but shall listen

地 - Land will provide for everything you seek; for the better or worse

人 - Man is the decider; you harvest what you sow

Man's survival is dependent on his actions. If you pollute the environment, if you over-fish, if you extract the grounds' useful resources, Earth may not gets enough time to recover from the ravages & destruction that ensue

The end of the world is not God's will but Man's folly 

Just as Covid destructive forces ease, war began; Russia attacked Ukraine & put her nuclear forces on alert

There is nothing much to worry in this man-made-madness

If the nuke-armed nations decide to decimate each other to show dominance & control, there are enough nuke-bombs to shred Earth into pieces & no inhabitants will live to witness the aftermath

Even if you are enjoying your dinner, taking a stroll in the park, sleeping soundly or whatever... chances are "in a major nuclear warfare outbreak", the fallout is enough to engulf far & wide & kill/maim you

The winds of change will bring destruction & calamity to you (your doorstep)

So, why worry? Worrying will not solve problems

Live your best, live simply & enjoy every breathe you take - tomorrow is never promised

Keep going & march ahead towards your dream & goals

What the mind thinks, you become

The world is convoluted, many (empowered) leaders are greedy, self-centred & selfish and sway to the lobbying by influencers

Commoners longed to live a normal, 'uneventful' but peaceful life, without undue stress

Leave whatever that are beyond you or your control alone - you are not expected to solve all 

Move ahead bravely, with grit & a clear mind

Some day soon, success will smile 

The winner is not necessarily the strongest, bravest, tallest ... but the one who is ready & prepared& who waited for the right time to strike

Most times, you cannot rush but "do your best & be there when victory arrives"

Dead Man tells no tales

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...