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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Attitude: My Evergreen Life & Living

every journey is not easy...

You were born naked and arrived alone; rarely with another as in "twins"
When it's time to go, you return alone; rarely with groups except in calamities
Life is a lonely journey; everyone has his own route
Similarities aren't same 同人同姓不同命 
Along the way, no two persons will pursue the same paths even if their goals are supposedly same
Differences allow one to shine brighter

I have many groups of friends and every group is made of persons of different characters with different needs
Their attitude towards life also differ greatly as their intents to achieve their goals are as deep as the deepest ocean; hidden away from any honest conversations
That's our colourful world
Some will scheme, some are conniving, many are dreamers and idealists  
Most end up being satisfied 知足常乐 & resigned to their 'fate' as their energies sap away
The more successful ones are those who had honestly sweat out to seek achievements, minus the negativities and evil intents

No roads are lonelier than our bodily well-being and health
Nobody can help you suffer the onslaught of diseases however healthy you may seem
After two unexpected operations within five months, I am not able to do strenuous exercises
The road towards rebuilding my body and health is arduous and monumental
 It's my grit, determination, positivities and focus that is keeping my spirit high
Many around me will never be able to understand what I am going through

I need NO sympathy

At times, life is lonely - then again - alone is not loneliness
Sometimes, life is empty - well, well - empty is not void
I wanted to turn recluse but material influence is still thick and strong
I believe if I seek silence and serenity, my health will recover faster & my body stronger
I am seeking some leads to be more enlightened
There is a higher calling but I haven't seem to be able to decipher just yet

I have lymphoma - the shocking word - cancer
After not, and never, been substantially unwell before in my 60th years, my body gave way
I had the best annual medical check up results in early 2019 & everything evaporates by Nov, 2019
My physical fitness puts many people at ages 30-40yo to 'shame'
Age is a number but sickness is random
We are as healthy as when no diseases decide to reside in our body

I give myself one year to reclaim my health and body fitness
Nothing is going to tear me into pieces
I will rid myself of all sicknesses, regain my health and move on to conquer new frontiers
I don't, & need not, worry as I believe in a One-on-One relationship with GOD
GOD resides within me & my flame of life shalt burn brightly again ...soon

Anyone reading this must remember; my thinking is 40s, my body & physique is 45s and my attitude towards life and living is evergreen

I came. I see. I conquer & I live forever

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