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Friday, April 24, 2020

My Goal, My Dream

running towards the goal...

Our goal was to stay healthy & keep fit
We are as fit and healthy as we are today
Sickness is the results of aging, not physical deficiency
Medically unfit and physical fitness are two vastly different issues
Fandi Ahmed was PES C in the army but he was a striker in the national team then
My fellow army mate could swim 60 laps and run 5km with ease; he was also PES C
I guess, you need to be physically fit in order to stall any potential sickness - health deficit


If you know what you want to achieve, half the victory is already in hand
If you want to be a Chef, kitchen is the right place to start
If you wanna set up a motor car repair shop, you start as a mechanic
As for professions, you need to acquire the necessary qualifications in order to start
However, to be a businessman, the best start point is to be in sales & strategic planning, with plentiful of EQ and commonsense

At 10yo and 60yo, all goals are distinct & achievable
Your early goals are to achieve qualifications, name, status, recognition and loadful of monies
You mid-age goal is to "make it big" in your career and business, with a house, a family and smart kids
By the time you reaches 60, it's about having a healthy life, quite contrary to material pursuits in early life, blessed with peace and comforts

The young have strengths, energy & speed
The old have experiences
When young, many use health to chase wealth
When old, most will use wealth to recover healthLife is about attitude and age is just a digit
The evergreen life is one that ages slower with positivity & accumulates knowledge expeditiously, bathe with grit

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Everyone has a different dream 戏如人生 人生本来就是一场戏
Who dares win
If you never try, there's nil chance of succeeding
If you try and fail, you gain experiences; nothing goes to waste
Solutions lie within the problem
心有多大 舞台就多大

Set your goal
Act on it; action it
Review it periodically
Change course if necessary
Arrived - no arrival is by coincidence nor effortless

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