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Friday, April 3, 2020

Life Goes On - Opportunities

will I die ...

2020 kicks in with Nature overtaking Mankind, where work stopped, aeroplanes grounded, countries lockdown, supplies & demand were disrupted. 
Climate and environment improved, birds and animals reclaimed whatever little spaces.
Economies grind to a stop, capital markets tanked and contagion spread.
What were once thought impossible, became possible!

For the price of one, you'd get 2.
Whoever said in the new century[2000s] that there are not enough spaces to park aeroplanes need to eat their words.
Mega-airports were built to cater to the evergrowing numbers of air-travellers.
Today, many airports lay idle

The next crisis will be currencies. Currency is the new debt.
Currencies are printed by Govt+Central Banks to pay for the digits that disappeared overnight in Capital markets and financial institutions; papers backed by trust alone!

Nature has asked for indulgence but Man refused. With one broad stroke, Man is crawling on all fours

There're opportunities in crisis
But, this is a 3-in-1 crisis: financial+ economic+ disease, an unseen challenge
危机 Every crisis is different and the magnitude of this 3-in-1 is stretched in imagination
I guess the smart monies will still find safe avenues to place their monies
Buying in the stockmarkets need prudence, diligence and selectivity
The time has come where fools are separated from Man
Few can make the grade but the recovery will take time...a long time indeed
A V-shape recovery is less likely as the world restructures to meet new expectations

Will I die or survive? It's mind over body
Everyone dies some day - once - and we live to journey away into the wilderness
Between being born and death 酸甜苦辣, you have a choice to whether to live the best you can or to wallow in misery until you expire

In every crisis, leveling down allow old rich to be destroyed as new ones created.
Nothing lasts forever.
Not even seemingly good health; GOD will send you something to challenge your status quo.

I...I am in remission
After a healthy 60 years, something within gave in
It's a new challenge, not a death sentence
I will overcome with grit, positivity and perseverance, sprinkled with GOD's blessings

I shall see the lights of many tomorrows
Rest if you must but never quit
Today's problems are tomorrow's lessons
Focus on the solutions - they are abundance
Be the match stick that lights up the forest - burn brightly

My life is evergreen and age is a number

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