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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Surprise Or Acceptance

surprise is not a word...

My first encounter with a medical challenge was a ruptured gall bladder in late Nov, 2019
How in the world did it rupture when I have no known medical problems, not even a gall stone
The pain came like lightning out of a calm sky, stingingly pain piercing through raw flesh
After a CT-scan, it was like sending my car to the workshop; I signed myself into the surgery theatre to remove the ruptured gall bladder and clean up the surrounding mess

Recovery was fast

It wasn't too long when I realized that I am in for a repeat order
I have hernia on the right groin area that needed to be repaired and a growth on the left that must be removed; groin area too

By March, 2020, I had the repairs done and the excess removed
I don't even looked sick after my second surgery in such a short interval
Life was 'as usual' and I recovered albeit slower
The scars formed slowly and the pain evaporates in due course
Time is the best friend

Nothing unusual, nothing suspicious

Motto: Living healthily, happily & positively
Today & now is my currency to be utilized
Tomorrow is never promised
I do my best and chase my dreams
If I do not try, the answer is definitely barren
Every tries better the success rate

So long as I am well and breathing, I shall succeed
The interruptions to life is always temporary
It's mind over body
I shall push for new frontiers within my abilities & capabilities
Nothing can stop me except myself
I am consistently building my body, not a Man of Steel, but a body to sustain the vagaries of life
No challenges is too onerous nor demanding
Time is the best friend and I shall overcome & win the race
Physical pains are bearable so long as I have grit, perseverance and forbearance
Victory is sweetest when beating an almost total loss position

I am not an immortal nor a superman
I have my strengths and weaknesses
I manage my weakness but manifest my strengths
So long as I have an iota of winning chance, I will 'use the match to light the forest'
I do not allow setbacks to bury my spirit - weakened, tired but not beaten
I find strengths in God, my friend

HE is my guiding light

For whatever challenges I face, I try my best and leave the rest
GOD is there & everywhere to relieve me of undue challenges and pains
I will not be overly concern as HIS omnipresence adds vigor and strength to me
GOD willing, I will succeed
HE shalt relieves me of pains and sufferings

Acceptance make living lighter and more manageable

I will not delve in the "what if" ...

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