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Sunday, April 26, 2020

I Am The Winner

looking into the end of the day ...

Do you know when your life will end or when your good or bad luck will end? No
No body can know the absolute final answer; not even the finest soothsayer
What are forecasted, foretold and predicted has an even chance of not happening
Other than uncertainties, it's emotion
The same given situation will be managed differently by different persons as character, attitude & aptitude differ
The cool guy and the impulsive chap reactions are two ends of the pendulum

Death is never by choice if your time is not due
Even during misfortunes, a person can be very ill but strike it rich & similarly another who recovers from acute illnesses may go broke   
Money (wealth) and luck are distinct

It's a lockdown - movements are restricted
The norms yesterday are bottled
Everything is immobolized except for essentials
Man has never been caged and "ZOOed in"; restriction of movements affect everyone
Nature reclaims and the environment becomes cleaner
The impossibles became POSSIBLEs
Simple acts become difficult as restrictions cause rebellions

What will the future - post Covid19 - be? Nobody knows but it will definitely be different
Covid19 can lead to, amongst many things, war - the War of Attrition
Thucydides Trap is aggravated further by Covid19
Regrouping of nations against nations is potently explosive
An accidental shot will lit up the nuke stockpile

I am least disturb by the underlying uncertainties and substantial changes
I am rearing to go
I have sprinkled my efforts & acted on my plans the e-Ways
I just couldn't wait any longer but I will obliged the locked down ecosystem
Dead man tell no tales & brilliant ideas remain buried when you are gone
Pace, slow down, be cool, calm but prepared ... pounce when time is ripe
There is no guaranteed outcome but be there when the tides turn
GOD rewards the prepared, the brave and the diligent

Nothing ends until you end

Don't worry about dying for you will not know
You need not worry about the outcome of your efforts - if it must come, it shall
Have enough for the journey towards success as any shortages trigger stress and anxieties
You need not be overwhelmed by success or failure as "all shalt pass"
Put in all you can within your abilities - every outcome surprises
All are possible only if you are healthy, ready and committed
Why bother with others gossips and laughs for many will come to you when you are the WINNER

I  ... & I alone determines my Providence

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