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Friday, December 22, 2023

NewYear ~ Winter Solstice 2024 : The Changes & The Future

confidence breeds positive future...

I started 2023 confidently; that i am ahead of the future ~ achievements-to-be were as natural as day and night

The year is ending and I have only achieved 30% of what I set out to at the beginning, not because I weren't capable nor careful but because of others envy and greed

I had expected that greed will ground the deals but I didn't expect that someone can be so envious of my past that he'd rather stymied achieving our common goal than to prosper together & be rewarded handsomely

He wants to dictate and control my directions & to show me "who's the boss?" I am no fool and I am prepared to walk away from the deal and let it collapse

He has demonstrated, or tried to demonstrate, that he can do it with or without me

I have no doubt that anyone can make it but with a gamut of talents, we can achieve ten times (10x) more & better

Alas! I will quit the game... I know what I can do and I am not prepared to be drown in a distrustful union & work with persons with sinister motives 空手套白狼

Like everyone, I love money but money alone is no more the key motivator

In 2023, I didn't achieve as much as I started and intended but I evolved; became more organized, are prepared to dumb fiends and parasites, walk away from arguments and be alone

The enjoyment of being alone is satisficing ~ alone is not void neither is it loneliness

I will not trade my Soul with the devil & no money can buy my character and integrity

I cannot change the world nor anybody neither do I intend to ~ I came alone and shalt return alone, enjoy the best between life and death and trek forward to new journeys 50 过后听天命我只尽力而为

I have my fair share of victories and misses and it's time to go with the flows

Man proposes, GOD disposes ~ i have asked for lots of mischievous wants but only get what I needed

GOD doesn't disappoint neither will HE spoils you

Heaven/GOD Whatever you asked for, GOD never answers "Yes or No"; it doesn't mean when you offer richer offerings, you will rewarded better. HE is incorruptible

Land If you care to plough the land, mine the fields and tap the resources, you get your due rewards. The Land provides 种豆得豆 种果得果

Man/People Man must work to crystalize your dreams ~ nothing is impossible ~ brute or brain

Going forward into the New Year 2024 ~ alas! I am not as confident as I'd like myself to be but I have great plans ahead 

Plans are drafted, brainstormed, PPT prepared and steps plotted towards the goal ~ 2024 is going to be the journey of 'experiences', fruiting & harvesting will be the gifts, not the goals

Perhaps, it is age or wisdom

Chasing materials well-beings were the past, experiencing the journey is a newfound joy

Am I retreating with the tail between my legs? NO. Or, was I cowed into submission? NO. I will give my best punches and every bouts is about winning, not an exhibition of vanity 

Glory is mine & my star shall shines, not for a few dollars more but for the legend to live on

Winter solstice - December 22nd is the only day that the Gregorian & Lunar calendars meet where nights are longer and the sunset arrives earlier

It's crystal clear: we need to slow down to see the clearer the future

Health, HEALTH, health above all & prosperity shall be

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Good Fortunes Favor The Brave

everything changes...

It's year ending again - 11 days later and a new year, month, week, day shalt begin

Everyone claims everything is new but, alas! only the calendar is new; everything else continues

We change with time; if nothing else, age keeps increasing

The best gift we have is Good Health ~  keep it or loss it and you would loss everything

As the year draws to an end, it's also time to spring clean 拉黑

In this new year, be grateful that God has given you victory over many things over the past year - God Is Visible Every Day - Steven M. Hitchcock

Whatever happen, happens for a reason

Many blame COVID for slowing down everything but did nothing constructive nor progressive than to sit back, complain, 'resign to fate', retreat to laze... when the tides turn around, they lost more than 1000 days

Strangely too, global economies slowed and many countries are still limping in recovery

When the winds of change blow, manage your sails, build windmills, cut losses and ride the breeze

Very few win by stubbornly doing the same thing over & over again ~ cracking the code requires initiatives and changes fleetingly

Ideals change once you have achieved them. Why? Because, you wanna be better the next time

Expectations is a moving target

What have you achieved for the last 12 months? Many will ponder, not over what they have achieved, but over what did they set out to achieve, if any

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional - John Maxwell

Earth rotates, moon rotates, everything seen and unseen moves along & changes form

Fortunes and richness seek partners in rotational distribution and so do the less desirous

Man, by Nature, seek greener pastures and migrate to live better ~ this is CHANGE

Man only resists changes when he is too comfortable or is engaged in a downhill (mis)fortune

The stretch of The Bund houses the House of Rockefellow, Bank of China, Agricultural BOC, Peace Hotel, The Peninsula...& many more of historical landmarks

Fortunes changed hands many times

2023 is almost over and do not let 2024 goes to waste as you had for the past many years

You are in control of your Fate and, aboveall, stay healthy

When the Fortune GOD smiles at you'd better be around to receive

The COVID years were used to hone new skills, build up my health, explore new possibilities and getting additional papers

Friends came & went, some stole & left, a few remain and I squared my fortune; made and loss zero

Tough? Yes, but it didn't kill but toughen me

Let go of those parasitic friends, spread some cheers, build new network, explore new possibilities & be REAL - no sympathy to fiends posing as friends nor to cower to threats

Tomorrow is never promised but give yourself the pat (on the back) to ride above the tsunami of changes

It's not "What If"! It's will you be around when good fortunes return

Friday, December 1, 2023

Fool Or Genius - Time Will Tell

 the eleventh hour is the opposite of the last mile...

December is the "11th hour" month; the last and final month of the year & it will never be the last mile

After December, a new year is born ~ more miles ahead ~ time continue; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months

A new calendar with a new Year; the rest remain ~ 31,536,000 seconds resume

Resolutions are recycled, updated and new ones formed

Queen Elizabeth II (QE II) and Marilyn Monroe (MM) were born in the same year - 1926 - but the Queen lived until age of 96yo whereas Marilyn died by the age of 36yo

Both made their marks in the world - between life and death, the world is yours to conquer

We are all made unique and armed with a mission on Earth; some called it "Fate"

命也时也 做好本分

Everyone is different; every generations are different and opportunities differ over time

Why plans only when new year arrives? I do have 5 years plan and I review every 3 months

This allows me to gauge my accuracy and nearness of every steps taken amidst my limited resources

小船怕风浪 大船转弯难

The further away I am from the start point, the harder it is for me to take a bearing and change course

Besides, cutting loss may not be a choice in due course; it's sink or swim ~ show hand

The last three years were very challenging; promising but alas! Harvest were far and few

Regrets were part of the dividends & experience and all shalt pass

Lick your wounds and move on instead of fighting an unwinnable battle ~ live to fight another day

I save every seconds instead of indulging in self-pity by re-investing and deploying my resources in new adventures - reading a book, picking a new hobby, simply relaxing and retreats into the 'wilderness & freedom' from people

I am seeing new headway with minimum to zero headwinds

2023 is such a disappointment but it has it's sprinkles of successes that provided motivations, lights of hopes and opportunities - it was draining but not drown(ing)

A letdown is not a washout 

Believe in yourself and you will move mountains

Opportunities smile at the willing party who never let defeats drown him

Success is sweetest when nobody believes you can and you have already collected your trophy, with champagne & beaus in hand

He who laughs last, laugh best

I am walking towards my last mile - SUCCESS

A stone throw away & a walk in the park

Friday, November 24, 2023

Success Is Relative - Everyone Can

has something gone wrong that success becomes distant...

No... success is not a given

Whatever you want, may not be what you need and your 'designated' role play may differs too

Man proposes, GOD disposes & everything happens for a reason

Not everyone is entitled 

~ Colonel Saunders made fried chickens past 60 years old, Steve jobs built Apples, lost it and regain it years later. Khoo Teck Puat was a clerk in 1933 when he joined OCBC. By 1958, he served as the Chairman of CPF Board. He left OCBC in 1959 and started Malayan Banking in 1960. Robert Kuok, though born into a rich family, started work as a clerk in a Japanese conglomerate's rice trading department before setting out on his own [He's a legend and had just celebrated his 100th birthday]. Lim Bo Seng and Winston Choo are celebrated-Generals

~ Prominent turned rogue businessmen, Abalone King Ng Choon Ser and his son, Ng Khway Tiak defrauded banks to the tune of about $60m in the 1980s despite their "good, old name Chop Hoo Thye". (Unrelated to the previous NGs) ~ Ng Yu Zhi's ponzi scheme purportedly cheated investors of more than $1.2bil in nickel trading

Who dares win but not every one who dares win especially those who undermine the Natural Laws of Justice ~ Crime does not pay

We are all entitled - entitled to whatever The Creator prepares for us; nobody will know what their future hold

Do your best and leave the rest

Happiness is not what you have but what you need and have at the very moment of needs

Some feelings cannot be hidden, like when you are in love and when you're betrayed

All shalt pass

Tomorrow is never promised 

The carefree life is like that of a pig; feed, eat, shit, sleep, enjoy the surrounding 

When it goes to the abattoir, almost every parts of the pig is useful ~ even the hairs make good brushes

Whether the rooster crows or not, dawn shalt break

Chickens are forever busy pecking and searching and love every opportunity to show (off). Working hard never beats working smart

Frogs adapt well; changing colors to fit the environment but it's self indulgence also means it forget the dangers around until "it is cooked". Survive to fight another day ~ dead man tells no tales

Success is relative

Alexander the Great ruled from Gibraltar to Punjab. Sultan Osman ruled the Ottoman Empire that stretched large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa for more than 600 years. Genghis Khan, famed clan leader and his immediate successors, created the largest empire ever to exist, spanning the entire Asian continent from the Pacific Ocean to modern-day Hungary in Europe.

No success is too small for the achiever

“All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney - When you worry about succeeding,  part of your energy is spent on worrying instead of spending all your energy towards building success

“Fortune befriends the bold.” – Emily Dickinson - Look around you, especially at those who fails. You'd probably find them repeatedly applying the same methods on the same problem and expecting a different outcome. The square peg can never fit the round hole

先学做人 后做事 When you are honorable, humble and distinctive, success will find you through the network ~ a trustworthy person is worth the tale in gold

At the darkest moment of my life, where the next meal was a problem, someone told me "you'll be a successful Numero Uno in your career"... such foretelling gave a positive spark in an otherwise endless misery

Between life and death, we are capable of doing anything; achieving success is yet separate matter altogether  

Do not even bother to seek success, Just Do It and the best will manifest

Above all, do not be distracted by others prying comments and disruptive intervention

Long after you have pass the post, nobody will even notice your success


Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Vengence Of Return

fight, flight or watch ...

I have dived into the deep end to search ~ search for possibility

All I need is a lead ~ the lead that can manifest into success

Like the intel-seekers ; search and you shall find as nothing goes to waste

You can hide but you cannot run

Rocks are polished into gems, crude is refined & distilled... a day at the flea market may turn lucky

When you earnestly do something or anything, you either crystalize successes or you gain experiences 

Alas! I have been hitting the rocks, the obstacles - it always start well, build up with seemingly achievable targets, signing on the doted lines is a sure thing, then it got hijacked

Hijacked by the 'goodie', good partners who were pretentiously good and were 'vultures and hyenas' in comradeship

Am I not good at identifying, selecting and judging people? NO! I am good at every EQ-angles but I am too trusting and Do Not (pre)Judge

I believes everyone has a noble heart

Worse, I takes Karma literally ~ but, how many times can I get hurt or cheated before my heart hardens? Give no chances and take no hostage are brutal truths

When you are too nice and generous to others, you pay 

I guess I will remain the same good guy as I benefited from good mentors and guardians who taught me values, moral uprightness, integrity and 'to walk away from sufferings & being taken advantage of'

They said that some day, they'd have to pay... alas! But, today I am bleeding from their maltreatment

I start from poor old days, living 'hand to mouth', snaking around a few odd jobs, working in the morning and go to school in the afternoon & vice versa; no task is too big to do... it was truly 'blood and sweat' money

Well, at least, I don't have time for anxieties, depressions, rejections or pressures as "when the hands stopped, the mouth must stop too 手停,口停 活在当下  

I have come a long way ~ no gearing, no bondage, get by the days, trying to stay as healthy as I can be, living positively... dancing in the rain is the best as nobody sees my tears - Charlie Chaplain

I have a choice; either I walk away from the world and reside in GOD's apron or resist magnanimity ~ "take no hostage, who dares win"; be a Warrior Monk

Unlike animals Man is an animal#by#circumstances

A learned Counsel once told me "Don't fight but if you must fight, fight to win" - drop the gloves and bare your fangs

Years of successes have made me weak; a weakling invites others to take advantage

My suave-self shalt return and the animal instinct nurtured 

Fighting back to regain whatever is rightfully mine is my mission

Kindness is not weakness but to succeed in the world today, it's the spirited fight and the fearless self must take precedence

I have returned

Thursday, November 16, 2023

My Struggle, Your Pleasures

 a little achievement at a time...

What is an achievement? Achievement is self actualization, not necessarily substantial

The sun provides light while the moonlight lights up the darkness; aboveall, stars shine when total darkness rule

When all else fails, the glow of light in the heart brightens 

Residing within the heart is GOD ~ the belief that moves mountains and eliminates fears

Nobody has seen GOD & GOD is all about love

Many are disappointed with the selfish policies of "milking the peasants, enriching the elites", not unlike to socialize costs and privatize profits

Everyone wears a mask ~ to mask the real self

The real world has moved away from indifference to pretentious 

The world today lacks compassion, truths are distorted and manipulated. 

The "HAVEs", the "GREEDYs" and the "OPPRESSORS" will hoard resources and dished out crumbs to force the majority to seek, beg and check each other; divide and rule ~  is their tools of control

If doing good goes unrewarded, then why do good? The truths is... if only you will believe, good guys generally die younger or when you least expect. Life on this globe is an opportunity for everyone to repent   

Wars and natural calamities are phases of sufferings and everyone who lives through these harsh environment will return a better person 

做好本分 活在当下

I suspect that I, like many others, are caught in a global shift of paradigm ~ the speed of change is gathering

To be prepared is the best antidote against the uncertain future

To accept the truths, upskill and upgrade your knowledge and to allow setbacks to fade soonest, dusk away your hurts and move ahead is the latent Art of Success

There is no time for regrets, even revenge has to wait    

If you don't build enough reserves, unable to take punches & setback, there are little chance to succeed

DO NOT waste time on others' opinions about you but direct your energy to positively reinforce yourself, your Soul

Every little achievements help success begets more successes

From time to time, I am lost and my battery is low; I will wriggle back into my shell, away from the crowds to reflect and 'seek' new direction

The world loves a Winner and any broken Soul is a curse ~  avoided by most

I am clawing deep into the Earth with my bare hands to find the next gem-path

Painful, ignored, made#used#of, smile苦中作乐and the world smiles with you

I will return stronger, happier and be a bigger catalyst to make this world better  ~ my own little world

I am not here to impress others neither will their criticisms stick ,,, hateful, of course, but I get to write my own biography

When my time is up, I will gladly move onto the next stage

Memories are sweetest when I leave with a SMILE


Sunday, November 5, 2023

The New Normal Will Be Here Soon

patience pays but few have discipline...

2023 ~ This has been a turbulent year

Just when C19 eased and the world reopened, wars and warmongering rise

For a moment, it was fighting for survival and the next, it was fighting to control another

When Covid appeared and spread, no religions nor any religious sects & leaders were able to protect their flocks & survival was 'a game of chance' 

The faithful believe that GOD will protect them from the disease(s); vaccination was also a game of chance whereupon humans are the first 'testbed', no more any animals

The world came to a standstill

For once, ALL religious gatherings were banned and avoided to prevent further spread; everyone's respective GOD(s) were noticeably absent

It brought everyone back to basic 1; that the house(s) of GOD live within oneself - with due respect, there is no need for mega- churches, temples, synagogues, mosques...whatsoever 

Religion & religious beliefs is a "One-on-One relationship" with GOD

In the past 3 years, brick and mortar businesses took severe beatings while eCommerce & eSolutions gained momentum as lesser contacts meant less chances of the disease spreading 

Going forward, I believe eSolutions, FinTech, drones, robotics, AI, ESGnA [Environmental, Social, Governance & Awareness] will rise in importance

Humans will soon return to our 2nd Basic: that "we work to live & not live to work" - the overproduction the world over is not just depleting resources but creating excessive wastage

There were enough to feed the world's 8billion + population but excessive wastage will deplete the much needed resources and aggravate poverty wherein unconsumed food, for which they did not reach those in need, are destroyed

MONEY, Money, money... the grease that ease commerce & exchanges will undergo fiery metamorphosis. Which country's currency will rule the world commerce? Japan has the highest debt to GDP ratio, standing at 262%, followed by Venezuela at 241% and Greece at 193% while the United States Government debt accounted for 121.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Jun 2023

Any abrupt revaluation or devaluation of currency, especially the mainstream currencies, will send a shock through the world. Gold will plausibly be the best bet when this happen ~ the evolution of exchange returns back to basic

There are always two sides to any stories; WallStreet rebounded sharply for a week, gaining more than a thousand points despite little to nil positive economic reports but burdened by intense Israeli-Hamas conflicts. US, despite being deep in deficits, is drawing down on their monies to fund the conflict 

Watch out for the dark angels; the world may be sucked into an unbargained conflicts that could pitch Israel + West versus Palestinians + Arabs, backed by Russia and China - the enlarged war will force the spiralling up of commodities prices and shortage of food

This will also decimate global capital markets    

Nobody goes broke by taking profits

Property prices will take a hit from higher funding costs and cost pushed inflation 

Cash is King but yet perishable ~ the declining purchasing power is clear sign that smart money is looking for safer havens

When unsure, walk away

The world of finance will rejig to a new equilibrium & a new normal will surface

Friday, October 27, 2023

Fight, Flight Or Wait

Fight or flight... it's a choice

You cannot fly like an eagle if you work with turkeys ~ your aspirations are determined to some extent by the people around you

It's the fight in the dog, not the size of the dog, that wins ~ the determination & guts dictate the outcome

Never fight with a pig ~ learn when to walk away

智慧不能给 Whoever cannot see nor admit their (own) faults, he cannot make amends and cannot be reformed

After the lull period of COVID, it became a monumental task to restart and speed ahead ...the laze mode has grown into the bones

Instead of adopting the correct ethos to build and deliver a promise, many scam & con their way to move forward; the ends justify any means

Pleasing & comforting words replace facts 甜蜜的谎言

Reality is more often than not cruel

No worries about tomorrow, for it may not come 意外和明天,不懂哪个先到

Make the best of every moments 活在当下 做好本分 Today's the best

The beauty of being alive is that you get to do... DO whatever you want. Whatever you cannot achieve is because you indulge in self-doubts

During inflation, money shrinks in value whereas during recession, the propensity to spend is lower as concerns about the future flood everyone's minds 

Unfortunately, the world is more likely to enter into the stagflation phase "Stagflation is the simultaneous appearance in an economy of slow growth, high unemployment, and rising prices."

Social anarchy will rise amidst higher unemployment and rising costs

Everyone needs to stay level-minded and manage your expectations

Shortages of food and resources will increase frustration, rife and disharmony

Fight or flight depends on herds reaction; no single person can dictate the collective reaction in an extreme environment

Lie low, be thrifty, watchful and guarded and let the ill-winds pass

When (the) evils pass, the good return ~ have faith with GOD 

There is beauty in tomorrow

All chaos & sufferings shalt pass

Friday, October 13, 2023

Make The Difference By Being Yourself - The Self

walking alone into the picturesque wilderness...

Flora and fauna, birds and bees, animals and the wild are the least explored, understood and appreciated by most Man

Animals do not attack unless threatened or/and provoked neither do they kill for game

Flowers glow to attract, pollinate and brightening the green surroundings thus breaking the monotony of the day

The moon and the stars shine and light up to the darkened globe

When compassion and generosity are shared and expanded, the world lightens up and more souls float at ease 

The willingness to help and do charity, minus the limelight is altruism  

Who to help, where to donate and why pay the fundraisers? If you are less suspicious and wish to donate within your means or minimal amount, just give ~ the dehydrated person appreciates a drop of water. Your good lonely acts will not go unnoticed as GOD keeps track of every good and bad

Being alone and walking tall, impactful and dominant is like a lighthouse

You wean others away from danger & deaths


Spring is Harvest time; reaping your hard work Summer is to Plant for the future with the seeds in hand

Autumn is to Reflect & Relax and to shed the excesses in preparation for the cold, laid back wintry breeze 

Winter is the time to slow down 发呆 and Recuperate from a year of work - basking in the harvest done

Spend and enjoy your time with family members, true and trustworthy friends & stay away from fiends and imposters

Dispose them 小人 like a used diaper 拉黑

Walking tall and alone is better that being with the vultures and hyenas ~ they pray and scheme for you to fall & make a meal out of you

I am walking into the future with confidence that Alone I Shalt Make The Difference : I cannot, and will not be able to, change others & the world... that has never been my intention

Stupidity is nurtured while foolishness is nature ~ the stupid repeatedly use the same formula to solve an existing issue whereas the fool awakes after the first bitter experience

My time is limited & every day is a bonus; tomorrow is never promised

I shall fade away in due course... to discover the Truths of Im-Materialism & to enjoy every moments when/that I breathe

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Winners Are Those Who Dare

As the old leaves, the new begins ...

When babies arrive, hopes flourish

When the destructive forces destroy existing location, reconstruction begins

There are 2 faces in life ~ when you reach the peak of the mountain to enjoy the picturesque views, you'd need to return... if not now, soon

When you are down and thrashed, there is only one way ...up

Hope, hopeful and hopelessness are shades of grey

Nothing is permanent

October is in ~ the last quarter of the year ~ what have you achieved? Most would have lived through the year without much  disruption, neither were there marked improvements

I have not stray from my work but consistently plough on ~ believing in myself and my chosen path

Am I right and successful? Frankly, I don't know & can't mention any success

This is a year of realization - the fakes and pretentious friends & fiends surfaced & you need 拉黑 to cut short your time and resources instead of 'wallowing in the pains without the gains'

The hate and regrets will remain but must be eliminated over time as whatever energy left must be redirected to better use and to heal the wounds  

Trying something new is always challenging

The Germans and the Japanese almost conquered & shared each half of the world & redirected their efforts to rebuild their countries after the wars and became economically and technologically superior today

Alexandra the Great, Genghis Khan, Osman of the Ottoman empire and QingShiHuangDi, who united China, never looked back when they were conquering new lands - every day is new and filled with adventures - regrets and misses are few and far in between

The earlier you realize that the world will never be equal, the faster it is for you to move forward 

Do everything that you want and within your means and you'd get nearer your goals

No man can live on HOPEs alone and get things done! Even babies take 9 months to arrive & you need two hetro-copulators to get the desired result

Never feel hopeless because tomorrow is never promised 灾难和明天 不懂哪个先到 Sleeping is your choice but waking up is GOD's grace

It's nice to disappear for awhile and let there be mystery and speculation about your absence. After all, you thought people are talking about you, dislike you, like and miss you... whatever

During your absence, you'd know who's missing who? Were you the attention seeker instead

When you pass on, you'd be forgotten over time

The new will replace the old

Whatever you desire is achievable within your means & without hardworkingness, the wait is longer

Age doesn't make you old; it's the thoughts

Weaponized the Mind to achieve the I'Mpossible

100 days from now, a new year arrives 

Like every day, it's new but what have you achieved? Dream big but get up to work on it

Monday, September 25, 2023

Leave Me Alone ~ I'm In Retreat

spring cleaning is almost an everyday affair...

Alas! However I retreat into my cocoon, there are much distraction and disruption

I tried to stay away from quarrels, unwelcome invites, fiends & foes 笑口藏刀, friendship with a motive and the tag-along#free#riders

But, like the breeze, they seep through the cracks

These negative vibes are bad for peaceful habitation

Retreat is not a surrender; it's the chance to recoup, reenergise, reorganise and sustain oneself 

The renewed self will return reformed, more formidable and better received ~ absence makes the mind fonder

Disappear from the scene and make yourself scarce as change will evolve with one factor 'missing', that is "You"

Absence create a mystic self

Total absence causes uncertainties in the opposing fronts - curiosity kills the cat

My life is in an upheaval as I delved too deep into all that are happening, trying to preempt any possible problems ~ the good GOD exclaimed "not everything will unfold according to your plans & solutions", MINE overrides all

By coincidence, I was made aware that a few corp consultancy works that I had 'worked on but weren't engaged nor paid' as others snatched them under my nose have legal and penal issues; one was delisted, two were under investigation by CAD/Sgx, yet another may face delisting

Signals from up there, my good GOD, that not doing may not be the worse

3 days ago, I slipped & fell face down from the last step of the bus... What was stunning was "the right side of my head smashed against the concrete balustrade" but I wasn't hurt. More amazingly, both my ankles were not sprained & i suffered minor bruises on the knees and elbow. Thank GOD & GOODness ~ the Power of Faith 

It was truly draining and the Mind floats listlessly and almost 'snapped' or snapping but, now, my mind is much at ease

The message is "Slow down, retreat into safety until the ill winds blow by and your time shall come." It's the time of change, my life equinox  

Go with the flow and be a blade of grass dancing in the breeze

We will meet when Heaven proclaims随缘天意

GOD is my guardian & bless me with the wisdom to go with the flows of life ~ to meet or to do is a coincidence of wants

Whatever I achieved is a gift from GOD; I am the receiver of blessings
Working hard is a norm & necessity

To achieve mental equilibrium is to stay away from everyone to find peace and realignment in turbulent times

Please leave me alone from time to time

Monday, September 11, 2023

Stock Markets, Your Money & The Crystal Ball

money don't grow on trees... crystalballing

There are early indicators that the capital markets are due for a major correction (credit: chart is adapted from another source)
However, between now and mid-Oct, it's likely to be trading at range bound, with minimal upside

Long term investors and those 'in the money' trades should will do well to take profits and exit; nobody goes poor by taking profits

Separately, the commodities markets are turning up (positive) due to shortages, disruption of supply chain, logistics kinks and trades sanctions despite higher holding costs, including interest rates. 

With an unflattering contraction of global economies, higher costs, increase unemployment, political and economic confrontation, the world's economies will recess, then enters the deflationary era.

Unfortunately, the cure is a "war of sorts" whereupon massive destruction trigger reconstruction and  a reset of currencies unless the world leading economies and leaders decide & agree to set aside their differences and work toward global peace and prosperity

December, 2008 (I wrote) - For the brave, its still a trade in the bear. For those who have cash, it is also time to bargain hunt - put some into companies whose price are 'bombed-out' and is a fraction from their peak. Unfortunately, like all investment, the risks are real; just pray hard that your chosen one is not bankrupted before you cash out. If you are prepared to get into the market, be prepared to ride long haul or at worst case, your money bites the dusts! 

Wall Street/DJIA was near 7000points in March, 2009 & S&P500 was near 900points As at Friday's (8th Sep, 2023) closed, DJIA was 34,576 & S&P500 was 4,457

Over the years, I have written about time cycle movements, elliot wave theory, the lunar and solar eclipses, technical and fundamental analysis and how these affect the turning points of capital and money markets with good accuracy.

The coincidence of turning point @ 4-year cycle (some like to call this the "election cycles"), 10-year cycle, 20-year cycle and the 60-year cycle are uncannily sharp. Besides, when the Lunar eclipse coincide with cyclical lows or highs, the drop is sharp(er) and the reverse (upswing) is true in a Solar eclipse.

Are we near the 'scare-season' where wealth changes hands? You can't be far and it can be fleetingly fast too

You read it here:

Markets should see a sharp cliff-like drop before the year is out, followed by a rebound. In early 1Q, 2024, the markets will attempt to retest the 2023 lows BUT by 2Q, 2024 will see meaningful rebound lead by the new economy, quiet confidence & reparations

Adapted: credit to the chartist

This olde chart has been circulating for some time; it's displayed as a good reference

Everyone wants to make money but few want to do their homework

Apart from technical and fundamental analysis, the money and capital markets are largely influenced by psychology:

* Herd response is a surest sign of turning points

* Every players love to loss

* When cautiousness and calculated risks are thrown to the winds, the drop or collapse is evidently more severe  

Cash is King but perishable. It's purchasing power declines and when confidence evaporates, flight to safer haven is inevitable

I reserve commenting the ups or downs of any specific index as the global economies are entrenched in a quagmire. For those with deep pockets or spare cash, the thoughts of 'easy picks' may present 

Index as at current/today:

Nikkei 32,475        HangSeng 17896

DJIA 34,576          Nasdaq      13,761

UK Ftse 4,072        Stic      3,211

KLSE    1,452        ASX    7,163

[This is NOT an investment advise. For leisure reading only]



Monday, September 4, 2023

An Honest Person Is Always Bullied

being nice and kind is not a sign of weakness...

Walking away from an/any argument is not a sign of weakness but to deflect unnecessary disturbances, disruption and derange challenges

Never fight with a/the pig; it loved to be dirtied

Direct your energy towards positive utilization - fighting back, complaints, resisting challenges, spending wasteful resources on unworthy distractions will only drain off ourselves

Empty your mind and start afresh

In life, we are faced with many challenges and, at most times, we will fall to the next lower rung, not cliff-like

But, not everyone is so lucky 意外和明天不知哪个先到

Those who treads with high octane volatility, their falls are almost always cliff-like

Can you take the intensity of pressures of high speed traders, position takers, death squads commandos, hostage negotiators, or for that matter, a single mother rushing between putting food on the tables and her crying baby? There is simply little, to no, room for errors; FATE test you once & ... only once  

Do whatever you want but be prepared to accept the consequences; there is no "IFs" or "BUTs"

Many scheme against others and against the Order of Nature yet when misfortune befall them, they blame everyone except themselves

You can fight fire with fire and takes the bull by it's horns but if you're not brutally forceful, the consequences are worse... letting him go is being compassionate but giving him the chance to avenge his defeat may be your downfall

Reality is always cruel

When the frog is enjoying the 'spa of boiling water', it's wisdom is traded for comfort. Slowly but surely, the water will boil and the frog will be cooked

When the rat suckled the sweet icy pops as it freezes, the sweetness takes away logic & survival instincts; being frozen is the end game

Laws Of Nature

因果不能改 You cannot change Destiny - though the degree of slight variation is possible

智慧不能给 Wisdom cannot be given - it must be imbued

妙法不可说 (Heavenly) Solutions cannot be shared

不信不可度 You cannot change nor save someone who have NO Faith (Don't believe)

 Am I timid? No

Am I afraid of the consequences? No

I believe my journey through Earth is temporary and I'm on a Redemption Journey - to make good at every possible opportunity and, sadly too, to witness others' pretensions, failures and retributions

I Don't hit back nor seek revenge but if I do, I will do so with brutal honesty

Many a times, alas, my retreat was seen as my weakness...

I am who I am; like the blade of grass dancing in the wind


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Restart Is A Choice

retrieving your own peace & purposefulness...

In the metaverse, it is not like you can opt to be alone from your surroundings

Positive begets positive and negative begets negative - quite clearly the power of attraction is infinite

You cannot run away from Karma neither can you run away from Destiny, though to a very large extent Destiny can be changed ... a little

For example, you are trained as a doctor or a lawyer but you wanted badly to be a Chef & you blazed yourself into the kitchen; someday soon, you become an accomplished Chef. Instead of saving lives or fighting for rights, you filled their stomachs ~ your Destiny is to Serve & you did

But, it is said that "before you achieve your goal & glory", you need to fall to the trough! Why so & why must misery precedes happiness? Guess, the only palpable reason is victory tastes sweetest, an aftertaste of bitterness

In the pursuit of our goals, every thoughts are doable and every steps taken is one step nearer to success ... few have doubts of their intent and methods

The metaverse goes into full swing to commingle realities from dreams; distractions, obstacles, disruptions, (im)possibilities rise, doubts and hopes 

Providence is the ultimate stop

Within our own abilities, much can be accomplished

It is never easy to ward off all the distractions and disruptions and the least draining method is to "ignore them" completely; easier said than done though

Everyone of us has a way of de-stressing and there is "no one best way to fit everyone" ~ live and let live

When you did not hear from your friends for a while, give a call, send a message or drop in for a visit if not out of concern, at least, to know all's well. It doesn't matter if you get a less than appropriate response

Anxieties, insecurities, anti-social behaviors and total retreat, aka hermitness, are signs of inabilities to manage and live with the surroundings 

It's best to leave them alone but a good listening ear helps

I... I prefer to retreat into reading books, listening to music or wandering in the wilderness, away from humans

Let me breathe away my seemingly untamable challenges

I shalt always return as the new fighting-fit Soul; ready and prepared

In my ivory silo, i find peace 

Let go... let go of everything and the needful will form ~ then restart is a choice

Saturday, August 12, 2023

All Problems Have Solutions

ignoring your surroundings is the hardest ...

It is easy to say "just ignore them"

The more you are aware of what's happening around you, the harder it is to ignore the repeated waves of interruption, interventions and disruptions

You may avoid head on confrontation 依柔阻抗 to minimize or eradicate the impact but, unless absolutely necessary, give a wholehearted, forceful, no-holds-bar fight   

Fight or flight is a survival instinct 

In this turbulent period amidst changing times, observe the situation, avoid direct confrontation, gather & build strengths, 'kill with a silver bullet'; there is no room for mercy

Do or die is a choice ~ never do and die ~ preserve to fight another day

Withdraw or sidestep from the situation and let the masterminds wear out their stamina. That is an 'energy saver' ~ allow the enemy to self-destruct & used up their resources 空城计

I find it very draining to react to every instances while trying to salvage the situation... now, I will let the situation collapse, then rebuild ~ from the ashes come the phoenix

When it is not painful enough, everyone is self-righteous and self-entitled and nobody understand the value of "loss" 

When the ill-winds blow, stay inside until it blew over - the mighty old oak tree fell in the storm whereas the blade of grass dances in the wind

We may not have immediate answers to all problems but we will find some in due course

Anxieties, depression, sleepless nights, overly worried ... are threats to normal life and living; the mental state will crack and crash & the direct casualty is you, YOU, Yourself

Worry not! You can be concerned but need not be overly worried as there are solutions to all problems, if not now, soon 不是想不到 而是还没想到

Life is not just about lockdown, lack of freedom and opportunity, immobility, threats, fears... it's about survival and surviving well when others are struggling

Complains do not solve problems neither is blaming others... make the bed and you lie on it

The odds of getting pregnant is 120m sperms to one egg and many didn't make it & at most times, when asked what are your chances of passing or winning, most will say 50/50

So, we, the HUMAN, are born to Win

Rest if you must but never quit - some nights do seem darker than others but day break comes quick enough to lighten everyone's Soul

If it is too dark and cold, sleep in 

Going to sleep is your choice but getting up is by GOD's grace

When you don't get up, your problems are passed on; you're dispensable. So, why worry? Nobody is born to work as we only work to live

To be cruel is to be kind - sometimes, just drop the bagful of 'burdens' and walk away

GOD has a strange way to let the situation evolve & resolve

Do your best and leave the rest - we all have our roles to play

Don't need to rush. If all your work are done, you shalt return... it is nice to keep some so that you've a little more time on Earth

Take baby steps but giant print and achievement

Monday, July 24, 2023

Stay Calm In Changing Times

changes are almost always unexpected...

Many are oblivious and simply pass every day mundanely

Life is a flow; few expect major nor abrupt changes

Abrupt change is disruptive and major change shift a person's paradigm & forward paces

Power, fame, money, status... are only good if you are alive but the sword cuts both ways

Going to sleep is natural but waking up is by the grace of GOD

生老病死 is a norm but some are blessed to skip sickness though not all live long enough to their ripe old age

Lately, i have heard of more surprises as seemingly healthy persons of >40yos are dropping (dead) like flies

Equally interesting, more are hiding behind their veils as difficult times bite and cruising along and making do with their current financial stature; unemployed and underemployed though

The ever increase in costs of living and food prices are making living less bearable

Worse, the ruling class are preaching 'belt tightening', thrifts and consuming less whilst they are richly rewarded and incentivised... the North-South Gap widens further

Political shifts are sudden too; Putin faced mutiny but it was quickly put down, NATO/US promised arms support to Ukraine but delivery were short, US supplied cluster bombs which were banned by many countries, Singapore has its fair share of fallouts & scandals, Thailand is unsure if the winner should be crowned "PM", PRChinese foreign minister disappeared from the scene...

As hardship bites, politics become muddier and tempered, at times

A rich man cannot lives in a sea of poor neither can a dictator

Change is inevitable especially when deprived, suppressed and oppressed ~ it is all about survival

Barely survive(ing) is a catalyst of change; nobody wants a sudden change which is almost always disruptive

We are in a period of dramatic change! COVID has taught that many impossibles are actually possible

Life in the short term will remain turbulent, not necessarily violent but likely to be very challenging

Be like the blade of grass dancing in the storm than the uprooted old, oak tree

Go with the flow. Smile & lighten your heart - see you in prosperity when the storm calms again

笑看风云 活在当下 明天会更好 今天是最好

Monday, July 3, 2023

Do Not Tempt Fate

when to be cruel is to be kind...

Kindness is taken as weakness especially by the cowards and ineptitude

They resent all those who are more capable and able as they cannot live in the shadows of the superior beings around them

It is not failure that destroys a person but their refusal to admit their faults that will eventually be their Waterloo

I have always avoided or try to avoid such people but they come near like moths to light/fire

Worse, they pitch themselves against an illusionary competitor for which they cannot measure up

They fear their own shadows

How to handle such SIC* persons? The best is to avoid them totally

If otherwise, keep them at bay ~ don't even give them the slightest attention... If push comes to shove, eliminate them, not unlike pests

I don't like to fight but if I fight, I fight to win 

I always believe in giving a person a chance, maybe a second chance or even a third! But, some just don't deserve any

I am no hero but I will not sit back and watch a bully wrestle down the weak, usurp all the gains and leave them to miseries ... somebody has to stop such menace   

I have read the Nanjing Massacre and the Sook Ching massacre and the Holocaust; could these (have been) be prevented? I guess the answer is "Yes". It happened because everyone is too afraid (to resist)

Of course, only if most, if not all, are united, there is no way of preventing the (re-)occurrences   

Life is like a boxing match; if you don't punch, you'd be punched. The spectators will cheer you on. You've to fight to win or be badly defeated or you can throw in the towel. If you don't fight to win, never get into the ring

My time is limited and I do not have much time to waste  

I choose my future wisely and instead of fighting to destroy the renegades who are intent to undermine my efforts, plans and reputation, I walk away and let them win the fiefdom; it's a no-brainer

The best revenge is to live successfully and gainfully away from their idiosyncrasies and turfs. I am the lighthouse that even the aircraft carrier must gives way or sink

Fighting them is a futile display of vanity  

My biggest fear is not anyone but I will seek to destroy those who try to annihilate me - mercy is not seek but given

It has happened before and I have always stop short of completely wiping out my antagonists... but what if i did not, or cannot, stop in my next encounter

I am happy to be who I am and be left alone

Fame, power and money are not my priorities but a decent, peaceful life with lots of blissful surprises

Like water, I flow

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Life's Journey

death is the end for the dead...

A funeral is not a day in a lifetime but a lifetime in a day - quote

Everyone understands that we need to let go of a dying loved one, especially if he/she is very ill and on machines support

But, the emotional attachments cannot be cut abruptly 

It is best to cry your heart out - the outpouring will ease the pains within 

Tears wash away sorrows and lighten the Soul - letting go is never easy

There should never be (an) "overnight hatred and quarrels"; all differences must be cleared and forgiven before retreating to bed

Tomorrow is always new - to some, tomorrow is not promised

天天难过天天过 ~ 明天会更好 但今天是最好 

 "IF" is the smallest word with the greatest uncertainty while "BUT" is the gravest caveat 

I may be mild-mannered, quiet, tolerant and kind but do not take kindness as weakness

When I hit back, i fight to win - I do not believe in just defending; attack is the best defense

I will not knowingly take advantage of (any) slightest situation as today's winnings maybe tomorrow's sorrows 

The struggling man needs encouragement and support, both mentally and materially, the former being the key to survival

History has many who "almost make it" and some who "made it as helps arrive just in time"

From dusts to dusts; life starts 'timely' and ends 'untimely when due' ~ taking the first and last breathe is natural

Between life and death, living is a choice

Some will make it big, famous and powerful, while most will have satisfying lives and there will still be pockets of poverty and sufferings 

Do good, offer help when able and share your good fortunes行善 and make the world a better place for your fellowmen 人性本善 

When you pass on, many will turn up to say goodbyes and share the fond memories of all the good things that you have done

人死留名 虎死留皮

Interestingly, when you are alive, it's prosper thy future 前途无量 步步高升 but when you pass on, it's have a safe journey 一路走好

Clearly, in life, few seek a safe and healthy journey & everyone seems to be rushing ahead 

I have my fair share of hits and misses & staying as healthy as possible has always been my guiding principle

Death is not scary

Let us all enjoy the fond memories of all who had passed

GOD willing, everyone will succeed within HIS Terms of Engagements


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

You Are Not Successful Because You Chose To Be

your life is made ...

Whether you are happy, sad, disgruntled, frustrated, contented or indifferent can dictate the pace, reactions and outcomes

There is no magic - it's all in your Mind & within your hands

It's like pain; you'd get by if you've a high threshold for pains. Even in joy, you do not overindulge

When challenged or provoked, walk away, ignore or take leave with minimum damage. If there is a need to fight, fight to win - take no prisoners!

Matthew 6:34 - Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof - "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Tomorrow's happiness and sufficiency start today

We were poor, almost dirt poor, and struggling to make ends meet when young; the next meal is almost always a daily question

We, 6 siblings, from ages 5yo onwards, need to work - child labor was unheard of. It was the hunger pangs that decide

We ['hawk'] worked as hawker's assistants, wash bowls, clean the stalls, sell 'makans' door-to-door, sell sweets, nasi lemak to the well-off classmates, wash cars, do dhobi (washerman)... there were no time for sadness, anxieties, depression, stress, whatever

When we moved to HDB, we 'adopted' loose furniture from whoever were giving away - life was a hilarious not#enough#time#to#use#nor#worries

"Living lite" was the motto: there was nothing to save, no money, no unnecessary material wants, eat whatever is given and available, walk or take#bus to school, light heartedness brought cheers to every eventful day 做一天和尚撞一天钟

Been there, done that - from nothing to something - the only luxury then was 'free time', including watching TV at others' homes or community centres

With the advent of internet, social media & eComms, voices as diverse as noise are heard, some meaningless & others provocative 一百岁不死都有新闻听

It pays to ignore the noise but 'hear the voice'

Man seeks praise and recognition and detest criticism but when you are down, especially penniless, nobody even remembers you exist... you make need to walk to your grave

Can you change your life 命 - 是否可以改? Yes! If you want to be a Chef, start working in the kitchen. If you want to be a performer, start to busk or perform at community events. If you wanna own chain stores, start with one or two outlets, build and perfect a system, then duplicate. 

Have passion in what you are doing and develop your 'hobby' & interests into works

Everyone's life is made. Some are sugar, spice & everything nice whilst others are mundane, stressed, deadwood and regressive

The mother of Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn, was executed in 1536, charged with adultery and treason. Some would term Elizabeth as the illegitimate child but she was crowned Queen. Camilla Parker-Bowles was a divorcee, a mistress before becoming the Queen Consort, then the Queen.

Late starters like Colonel Saunders(KFC), business that started in garages like IBM, Apple, innocuous names like Alibaba & Ten Cents and many unlikely winners started somewhere & that somewhere is "the faith, passion & drives" that were the foundations of strengths against all odds

You  maybe born poor, disadvantaged, less well off but your future well being & wellness are in your hands



Friday, May 19, 2023

Money Buys

money, money.... money .......

What makes everyone happy? MONEY, money & more money

Money makes the world goes round 有钱能使鬼推磨

Money buys happiness when its a means to an end 有钱不是万能 但没钱万万不能

Chances are "those who say money is not everything" have money

With money. comes power, fame and controls, servitude included

In our high costs of living environment & "the most expensive city" title, money meant everything

The HAVEs, the HAVE#NOTs and the DONT#HAVEs are distinctly visible... if struggling to live is a method of control on the lower rungs of society, then the objective has been met overwhelmingly

You need to work to earn some income to pay for daily expenses手停口停

There is hardly any begging as begging is a crime where even the poor, handicap or unable#to#work persons need to obtain a licence to sell tissues 

The number of rough sleepers are rising and so is/are the Q-ueue at Soup kitchen

The earlier that one accepts that the world will never be equal, the better his life will be; no envy, no regrets, no bitterness

You may be born poor but do not die a pauper - many of the new billionaires are from 'rags to riches'

Between life and death, you have choices ~ who dares win

Money do buy comfort, leisure, name, time, companionship and even love except ill-health. Nobody can take over your sufferings when illness strikes

However, when the Grim Reaper calls on you, your time expires

But, do not be obsessed nor fascinated with money ~ money is as powerful as it is "WANTED" &/or can "BUY"

It is a means to an end & not an end in itself

Money has no utility in faraway, suburban agricultural surroundings where you can plant your own food, drink from natural streams & rivers sources, hunt & fish for food

Time is almost at a standstill with this undisturbed surroundings where flowers bloom, birds sing, animals roam and the breeze pampers your Soul

I love money but I love Nature more

Between the money-crazy environment and a retreat, natural surrounding, I will take the latter

Like everyone else, I love money; not too much but enough for me to use as and when I need it

Nothing is permanent. It is to "live best when others live worse". It's this moment that counts

No one should be deprived of a chance to make money

From dust to dust; money greases your paths in life

Do not let money be the root cause of your sufferings


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Making The Impossibles, Possible

some impossibles are actually possible...

Have i reached the cliff? Either I jump, retreat, move forward or standstill

There is no correct answer; it's all within you ~ your character will determine your next move after you've 'halted and rested enough'

People are everchanging, unpredictable, fluid and explosive - you cannot have a definitive outcome

Race and nationality are indisruptable culture and their characters were moulded by years of familiarity & habits

When you're down, few will come to bail you out and some will pretend to help

Down but not out; rest if you must but never quit

Opportunities are LUCK awaiting those who are prepared & ready to crystalize

Which is more powerful or resilient; water or stone? Drips of water seep through stones and cut through them 

Tsunami - a wall of water can bring down a city and demolish anything along its path

饮水思源 十年河东 十年河西

 Every help, however small, helps a person towards bettering his life 人要自动 不能被动

Do not expect help to come to (you) if you steadfastly never lift your finger to help another. Empty promises will drown you someday because you've taken advantage of others (goodwill) while you were riding high 

Why some people are almost always unemployed or underemployed? For a start, many blame others or circumstances for their predicaments. They have forgotten that, during their better days, they remained selfish, self-entitled, offer empty promises and hardly offer any comforting words 种那个因得那个果

How do you win others recognition when you demonstrate your abilities and capabilities yet do not appear arrogant, self-centred or disruptive to others? It is your sincere contributions without being told nor expect any returns

I am no Bill Gates, Sim Wong Woo, Robert Kuok,  Chaleo Yoovidhya, Zobel de Ayala... not even the more established names residing in Bukit Timah enclave

In my own small ways, I am happy to wean a few successful stories :


With my limited knowledge of time-cycles, elliotwave theory, technical, fundamental and psychological analysis, I was able to anticipate big moves (upswings & downswings) - more to minimize damages than to make 'killing' profits 

[Between now to November, the global stockmarkets will likely experience a major downswing. In the current stable to upside-bias markets, index & industry -specific trades, even the fools make money. An impactful drop will separate the boys from the Man]

Deal Making

I am no Sir JamesGoldsmith nor AllenGoldsmith ~ not even PeterLim of Singapore fame. I managed to wrap a few small deals, enough to keep myself alive with bread, butter and some spread of bacon

[Like an aging eagle, I continues to imbue new knowledge to meet market & industry expectations, sharpen my claws to find the next meal]

Charity Contributions

Over the last 20+ years, I have anonymously contributed to charities of my choice and helping the aged, less fortunate and supporting bursary/education

[I continues to do the little that I can, within my means. GOD willing]

Going Forward

I have no magic and I work on possibilities. I am delving into (i) pharma, preventive & eMedicine, (ii) AI, IoT, SaaS, robotics & (iii) eSolutions, eVehicles, sustainable & green energy

[I stand guided. GOD willing, I will succeed]


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Honor Your Commitment

get away from any dishonorable person...

It is tiring & discomforting to work with people that do not honor their commitments 

We fight to win the war and all/any betrayals will ruin the best strategy 

Betrayals are cancer of the system; it destroys stealthily

Once beaten; that's an experience

Beaten again by the same traitor, it's a fool's  choice  

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend  -  William Blake

When a committee consists of fragmented groups, it is the harbinger of disunity, betrayals and lost causes

Traitor must be destroyed or avoided at all costs

Looking alike does not mean behaving similarly; the fox will scheme and cheat while wolf are inherently loyal

Character flaws has no remedies & make the person infinitely unreliable

Nobody is born defective with character 人性本善

Nevertheless, selfishness and the seeking of fame, money and titles debase many a character

Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime -  Mineko Iwasaki

I am trying to purify my mind & Soul and not to react to betrayals by simply walking away with a smile; a tall challenge indeed

The urge to tear on the traitor outweighs at times but why do I want to dirty myself to hit back? I will hold back for as long as I can

I don't just fight! If I need to fight, I fight to win - winning is everything


If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root - Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Never allow bitterness to build up for you will need to fight back vigorously to restore status quo

Life is filled with the positive ions 

Walking away is not a sign of weakness

As Buddha said "when someone gives you a gift and if you refuse to accept it, who still owns the gift"? The Giver

Do not give him the satisfaction to throw you under the bus and disrupting your innate comforts

There is a price for everything & energy should be cultured & incubated to bring enjoyment, positive outcomes & peaceful living

We help without expecting any returns but we also must know when to withhold any greases for unworthy causes - the heart must be mindful of evil & mischievous intentions

He who laughs last, laughs best

Walk away from troubles and troublemakers

Sunday, April 16, 2023

All Goals Are Achievable

waiting for the outcome...

Life is full of surprises but waiting can be an agony

When you are raring to go and the time is not ripe yet you have to remain calm, prepared and indifferent until opportune presents

Like the butterfly crawling out of the pupa with its wings wet; any attempt to hasten the crawling out and drying will permanently incapacitate the butterfly 

Nature's clock is perfect 天时地利人和。。。加好运气

When it's yours, you cannot miss it. Whatever aren't meant to be, will never be

Can you change your Fate & Fortune? Plausibly YES

Blaming Providence never benefits anyone as you refused to change even when knowing that you are in the wrong path or way

You cannot be a carpenter by working as a Chef & refusing to learn carpentry... use the lull period to arm yourself with a new skill set of your choice & you'd be in the right direction towards your goal

Most of us are never in the same boat but probably under the same weather

When you procrastinate, time passes & situation changes

When cities are abandoned, plants and Nature take over ~ bare land are quickly reforested and animals regain spaces

Time and tides wait for no man & death is the Leveler

The first breathe and the last breathe are irreversible and unnoticed

The baby arrives unannounced and death is almost always sudden

Do whatever you want while you can ~ also; do not keep things only to wear or to use on special occasions 

Fashion & fad pass & so will/is the person

Everything has an expiry date

Keep doing, continue searching and do not stop exploring

Your brain knows no limit 不是做不到而是还没想到

Life is about possibilities ~ set your goals and chase your dreams


You owe yourself the duty to live to the fullest

You need not worry too much in life after you have set your goal

You have the Sun to brighten the day and the Moon to reflect light at night. On a moonless night, the stars pickled lights in the dark sky

Time is the best friend

Tuesday, April 11, 2023



When you are tired physically and mentally, retreat, relax and seek 'recuperation & repairs'

It might be too late if you have passed (the) physically and mentally exhausted stage; you're probably already broken 

The threshold for stretching for every Man differs

六亲不认 世界无敌  When you are prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve anything, you're almost unbeatable; a choice few can achieve

Recalling: "an influential mother wanted her kid who got average grades to enter a SAP school and spoke to the school principal, a close friend". He replied "we've students who are like 1000cc, 2500cc and 5000cc cars. The 1000cc dropped out after first few months while the 2500cc struggled with some giving up and a few went 'mental'...!" Do you wanna burn-out your kid? Mental exhaustion is a no#U-Turn phenomena

You cannot mirror yourself onto your child(ren); we are all made different 

From birth to death, many seek the humanly unachievable goal and live miserably until their last breathe 

Unachievable is not definitive but you must do everything, if not most things, within your abilities and capabilities

Dreams are made of spice, sugar and everything nice

Nightmares are despairs, struggles and scary; spiraling within your body into awakening

Never retire to sleep without clearing your doubts, frustrations and unhappiness ... you'll awake more tired than before

Go with the flow of your biorhythm 顺其自然

Slow down a little. Enjoy your surrounding and watch the birds sing and smell the flowers ~ did you miss anything? Yes! You miss the moment when life is almost perfect

When I am tired, I don't give up; I give in to my bodily pleads ... I let my mind wonders and take breaks like long walks

Walking along the beach and walking through the woods are equally therapeutic  

You don't need any company - let your mind leads you through Nature; be lost and found in that moment

Have you ever wondered around your neighbourhood listlessly, discover the surroundings, finding lots of things and activities that you never realize were within your reach 

Nature is ever changing and climate change is a hoax; it's saying the obvious

The globe evolves except, I guess, GOD didn't anticipate that Man will dig the natural resources, transform them, use the useful parts and discard the unused spares indiscriminately and pollute Mother Earth at a speed where Nature couldn't 'rehabilitate' & dissolves the harmful leftovers expeditiously

Nature gets tired too ~ Extreme situation requires extreme solution

Nature may effect an underwater earthquake of more than 10 on the richter scale to cleanse up the ocean whereupon the voluminous wastes will be buried deep beneath the ocean crust thereafter

To effectively clean Mother Earth, once and for all, tornadoes and hurricanes will wash the pollutants into the ocean, followed by massive volcanic eruptions to burn them as the pollutants heads toward the ocean. The underwater earthquake will be the ultimate.

80% of Man(kind) will be destroyed too when Heaven decides to rehabilitate Mother Earth ~ the leftovers will stay to enjoy the newfoundland

By the time this happen, I may not be around to witness GOD's wrath

Let us ALL not be too tired, Nature included

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...