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Friday, December 28, 2018

Time, Cyclicals, Nationalism & Stock Market

2018 is passing soon...

The compacting of time and the speed by which information travels is stressing up all
Time flies fleetingly
The days of joys and sufferings are more impactful and expeditiously extinguished
Fortunes are made and lost in a sleight of hand
The volatility of stock market swings are shorter, sharper and speedier

A visit to an antique house tells loads of stories
They buy junks but sell antiques
You pay dearly for things that others disposed
As if time was frozen, I found many olde items of values but sold exorbitantly
Alas, if only we can sell "age", we'd all be of high(er) values

Life is like an 'antique' destined to be thrown away
For most, the value decreases over time especially if worn out
There may be a few 'timeless' pieces & these are casted into history
The best bet is to live everyday fully and in awe

Time and tides wait for no man

2018 quietly came & gonna leave in a whimper
However, the speed it rushes towards the end is unquestioned
I can only bid 2018 goodbye in 74 hours time & restart

Winter can be very harsh and damaging 寒冷
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ...the change of seasons remind us our mortal vulnerability
Spring brings warmth after the wintry colds
Autumn sheds the excesses in lieu of a lightened, less loaded winter
Summer pumps up the energy that manifest into fruition
Ya, life is a cycle

When the cycle stops, life ends

2018 is filled with threats of wars by nations, big and small

The trigger happy politicians have never think through about the extraordinary hardships, destruction and carnage war brings to the commoners

Sure, nationalism and sovereignty are important but fighting the only way out? No, diplomacy is an ideal solution
Why be MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction? Sanity and a level-mind win the day
The only winners in a war are the power crazy politicians

For as long as I lived, I have never heard the existence of a hungry politician
But, we hear repeat of sufferings by the weak, children and women & the destruction of nations

The stock market is a great work of cyclical art
The volatility and impact of extreme swings sink many-a-weak-hearted
December has never been such a volatile month & this crafted an unfamiliar tune

It is not unexpected to experience technical rebounds from the lows and marginal recovery into January 2019 ; the Capricon effect
Watch for another great swing downward towards mid-end January (total lunar eclipse)

The lower lows is/are indicative of bear rages
Do not expect meaningful recovery until mid-June/July (total solar eclipse)

Whether it is a bull or bear market, money are made and loss
Many want to make money but few are prepared to do their homework
If fundamental are foundations of the market, the technicals are collations of psychological reactions. Throw in some commonsense and you will be a notch better than many

Good luck 2018
Looking forward 2019
However tough my journey is, I shall roam the Earth and cast my mark
In GOD I trust until my recall


saving myself from agony and rejections...

Many will avoid you simply because you are of  'no use' to them or they place themselves notches
Looking down on others is an easy chore
Nobody dies from being belittled, ostracized nor 'looked-down'
The winner is not the one despise others
Many detest because they are not worthy & their hearts are stored with envy
They bury poignant within their hearts

The world will never be a better place when everyone looks back in awe
Dead man tell no tales
The leader cannot look back for inspirations to lead his flock yet forbids any differential of opinions
There is no monopoly of ideas
The manifestation of ideas via freedom of restraints and grip-free initiatives innovate & refresh
没有做不到的事 只有还没想到

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Stock Markets 2019

everyone wants to make money but few put in efforts...

The turbulence and volatility of stock markets are fodders for traders
4th/Qtr always has the most spirited swings
You make or loss as a bull or bear & dies as a sheep
Earlier I have sounded an alarm of possible downswing as 4th/Qtr draws near
We have seen the deep-cut swings

Is the worse over?  Markets are fundamentally & technically driven.
Above all, it is "Psychology"
Read the mass impressions & reactions right and you'd be with 'safe' from herd's instinct
Reading stock markets trends is not a science
You need to do some homework in order to save your wallet from emptying

Technically, some charts are exhibiting their final "sell out" & they look like a "bottom out" situation

This is no consolation to many who still hold 'expensive' investments
But, if you are a long term investor, guess, life will recover
Be prepared for wide range whipsaw & do not expect immediate reliefs

My crystal ball points to a minor recovery (rebounds from lows) in January/February 2019
With a surprise meaningful recovery by Mid-2019
Don't take my words; I may be wrong but if you made it, do spare some to charities and poorer others

Frankly, 2019 should ends better than it starts

I am borrowing this title "The Land That Failed To Fail"; such appropriate title for stockmarkets

Whether you are a Bull or Bear, you make money riding the flow
Only the Sheep that follow dies
It is fun being a desktop wizard
I have been accurate and correct but nobody recognises nor 'employ' me

Alas, an undiscovered gem is useless to all

Waiting for someone to discover my talent


Living In A Globe

Getting back into life's mainstream is tough...

Hiding under mama's skirt is a shame
But, if Monroe can shelter you, why not? Haha
We must be able to live beyond others viewpoint
There is no living hero; they have been cast into history
Dead as dodo
Every fallen hero has nil chance to return

When failure knocks, life can be a drag
Going through darkness is scary, lonely and empty - every seconds count & are stretched
It's easy to say "it's darekest before dawn breaks"

For every successful person, there are thousands who had fallen by the background
Not for want of not trying but for pursuing the wrong course of actions
Dreams are like snowflakes
You need to wake up to work on your dreams
Nobody will offer you a sympathetic wallet ...

What is a city without a Soul? It's concrete
A soulless city cannot feel for her citizens
If money can buy everything then relationship will have zero values
Traders rule and slaves abound
Everything become transactional and life is a digit
If you wanna make it or make a comeback, you need to be equally, if not more, brutal
The brute force of violence dominates and winning is everything

The bird sits on a twig because it believes in herself
The ability to fly away from dangers
Nature has never allow her creations to go hungry and unfed
The ecosystem is so balanced that when one dies, another florishes
Climate change is a man-made problem and someday, Man will choke himself

There is no second planet to house humans

7billion people and adding...
The globe will burst if population don't self-destruct
The need to rush ahead is being achieved by scam, brute indifference and ignorance
No wealthy man can lives in a sea of poors

Let there be compassion and care
We will live longer, happier and prosper together when everyone helps one another

Today is the beginning for "do good, care and share" to save the world before violence destroy humans like the black plague 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Live To Fight Another Day - The Promise

the caregivers normally collapse before the patients...

Whatever fits, just do it
Why are elderly, old or aged persons so difficult to please? Habits, I guess
Frustration, less mobile, loneliness,stubborness
Any reasons is good reason

The caregivers endeavor to provide the best possible support within their abilities
Time, money & resources get scarcer over time
There is limitless demands from the aged patient
Perhaps, they don't know what they're doing

In the animal kingdom, the aged accepts fate and prepares to die though most will fight to the last breath
Accepting death and becoming meals for others is a norm
They wear the glorious badge "survival of the fittest" unlike human
Blaming others for their failures, envy, regrets and hatred make aging all the tougher in human
Death the leveller; the path to Hell is paved with gold

Be nice to all

Everyone wants to make money but few are willing to put in sufficient efforts
Growth, Boom, Decline, Burst
During bullish scene, even fools make money
When the bear raids, the boys are separated from the Man

Is the current stockmarket doldrums over? No, probably too early to rejoice
But, for those with a penchant for investments, it is time to deploy some monies, say 30%
The downside is limited but the swing could still be wild
In a whipsaw, it is fine to add a further 30%
Nobody buys at the lowest nor sell at the highest
The stock market is a zero sum game
You can be a Bull or Bear but never be the sheep
Money and life is won and lost in the stock markets
Friend闺蜜, like life, is a hard find
When you are rich, famous and powerful, you have no lack of friends酒肉朋友

A flock of sheep lead by the lion, achieves victory
The sheep can never lead a club of lions
If you want to fly like an eagle, you cannot work with turkeys

Above all, the people must be committed and belonged
A/The single SEAL-styled fighter can destroy a company
When you need to fight, fight to win
When everyone is committed, victory is assured
Be wary of half-hearted commitment as they will destroy near-success
Clear all problems today or ceased thinking about it

Success is gumption turns inside out

Do not succumb to pressures and stress as the winner is one who lives to welcome the turn of event

Friday, November 2, 2018

November Is Here...& So Will December Soon

looking back is always a Master's view...

My hanging garden and flowers
Plants are a fussy lot
Needs lots of care and nurturing
Plus lots of patience

Let it grow naturally and wild
Trimmings will come only after their "wild" days
There is no beauty before ugliness

It's no difference from hard work, rolling up your sleeves and getting 'dirty' before success manifests

But, like all things, success and failure are moments of achievement & ideal changes again

Autumn is ending and winter is coming
In equatorial Singapore, we only enjoy lower temperatures of under 30; cool
The greens soften the walls
I do not live in a concrete jungle

I harbour no extreme ambitions
I work hard but smart
The successes over the years help ease a trying economic downturn...a slow recession
I can only say "live my best today and everyday"
until the turnaround
It's NOVEMBER 2018
该喝就喝 该吃就吃 想做什么就做什么
With 60 days before 2018 ends, there is no time to procrastinate; just do it
The new year's resolution needs re-dusting
Every resolution needs updating; some falls short, some are totally out, most are repeated
There is no perfect vision ahead

Looking forward is the best 前途无量

We plan, implement, execute and pray for the best possible outcome
The chances of perfect shot is 80% hardwork and 20% luck
Trust yourself & just do it

Why are successes so difficult to achieve? Destiny
Guess, it is timing
Don't give up, rest if you there when the tides turn

GOD willing, I will succeed

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

You Are The Problem

suddenly, many people are saddled with problems...

If you think ghosts are scary, human are worse
You don't know what hits you until you are cheated, smoothered, deprived and destroyed by many close to you
That is the reality; ghosts don't hurt nor come near if you do not believe in their existence
Be aware and beware of sweet nothings and whispers of everything nice
Anything that is too good to be true; chances are it is

Believe in yourself

The world is polluted with greed, envy and decadence that a pure heart can hardly survive

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil is not good enough
We must "right a wrong" and speak out against evil intents
The bullies will not go away simply because you ignore them
If you need to hit back, hit hard
The fight is in the dog, not the size of the dog
Talking down to you is mental harassment; put a stop to it

In our fight against the stronger ones, nothing beats a hearty repel    
If you don't try, you'd never know
The ecosystem is filled with misinformation, half-truths, propaganda  and fake news masquerading as real
Strangely, many are bought in, regretted, frustrated but still accept these as "gospel truths"
The road to hell is paved with gold

自找苦吃 You have a choice 世上没有后悔的药
When you were mislead once, that's a mistake
When you are mislead twice, you are a fool

Seek peace
Seek serenity
Life is about making the right choice and seek salvation
All the greed-gifts earned contaminate the heart & fill one with regrets, uneasiness and discomfort
Be cool and calm
Live a simple life; the square hole upon death measures the same for everyone

Karma has no menu; it serves the same as what your desirous heart demand


the month of volatile movements and uncertainties ...

The last quarter of the year starts in October and it's almost the end
With 62 days before 2018 expires, i am still a wanderer
Wondering why 2018 was not economically productive nor rewarding
The struggle continues...

There were almost 95% misses with 5% consolation
There were more other people's problems that i resolved and calmly overcame than mine
Loads of "YESes" turned out to be "NOs and UNDONEs"; I coolly walk over & away
Smiles were forced upon & smiles returned

I smile; come rain, sunshine or snow
Living in agony, envy, self-pity and pains is not my life
生生养老不病时间到..死 I can accept
Live best when others live worst; that's the Art of Living
GOD never intends us to indulge in miseries

As the wintry winds kick in 寒冷的冬风
It is time to slow down, recuperate, recharge and to re-live when Spring arrives
This is the time where hurts heal and the fittest survive
This is the time to repent and not re-offend

Tomorrow is November
We step closer to the end... end of 2018, end of the year, end of to be
Keep healthy, stay fit and sane and lie low to restore your even self
When the opportunity presents, pounce

Time and tides wait for no man

I remain hopeful

Monday, October 15, 2018

You Need To Provide For The Future

when the egg is broken...

Spring, summer, autumn, winter
Autumn is a time to harvest and reflect
Leaves are shed so that trees loss less vapor & energy whilst lightening up in the wake of wintry winds and chills
Nature orchestrate the change of seasons to remind everyone that 'nothing is permanent'; we need to adapt
The way forward is the end ...

Enjoy the beauty of autumn's gold as fools rush
Slow and enjoy the beauty, the breeze, the surroundings - the entire ecosystem

When life is at a cliff, there is no chance to 'give-up'; either up or over
Many have been there and returned to prosper
Some loss their grip and ...end
There is no living heroes; all heroes are dead

I am all alone when I hit the cliff many times
Many offered help but when I called upon it, I realized it was all 'lip-service'
Worse, some even benefitted from my misery
But, I survived, return, prosper and lead a quiet life away from the limelight

There are that few bosom friends
有钱有利 酒肉朋友数不清
没钱失名 真成朋友 一手抓
Everyone loves a winner
This world is ruled by 'the strongest survive and winner takes all'; the earlier you learn and accept it, the better you will be

There is a saying that 'the tyrant will kill most but will keep some"
Even in dictatorship or communism, there is a semblance of oppies around
While the Bull is 'worshipped' in the financial market, the Bear is equally needed
Yin & Yang coexist harmoniously
Without an egg or with a broken egg, dreams are dashed; you have to leave some for the future
If there is too much sunshine, it is a desert
Whatever you do, spare some for future needs

Stay healthy and happy
Without health, living is a misery
No amount of money can buy you health nor pays someone to suffer your pains
Get real
An egg presents future opportunity but a broken egg can only offer you an omelette

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Stop Counting Beans

counting beans or beans counters...

I got this message &, cannot but, accept that it is complete route to happiness
Sleep to recuperate, exercise to stay healthy, eat to 'refuel' & finally, procreate

What is it like if human don't replace themselves? Extinct
But, with 7bil + and growing...
There is a need to conserve

There are enough food for all
But, ego, religious differences and the 'need to dominate' will destroy mankind
There is no room for human rivalries

Whoever think that I shalt rule you will die together when the desperadoes react desparately
MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction is not a joke; it's a reality

This was a nice park at EastCoast but there are so many construction on-going
The Authorities has no creativity nor wider vision in deploying the spaces to good use
After redeveloping a piece into a park, eat (F&B) & pubs, they are duplicating many along this stretch
Holy ghosts; creativity is a scarce word
Do you need so many of the same? Cut and paste
Why not leave some spaces for Arts? Singapore is short on Social Sciences application and long on hardwares
You have seafood centre, food centre & now F&B centre
Why not throw in : weekend markets, carmarts, drive-in food wagons, walkabouts for the elderly and terminal patients, ball games, performing Arts...
Give is some life, not just hardware & not just some controllable (fixed) factors

The bean counters budget billions$$ for war machines but little for health, social needs and education
If more are spent on the well-being of the people, less will be needed for fallen-comrades, medical and aftercare
Generally, the majority are apolitical
Why bother train huge armies and lethal weapons when these are destructive? The people need food, shelters and 'motivation', not arms that kill

The world will not go hungry if resources are adequately spread to meet the needs of the people
Weapons are the toys for the powerful, rich and famous
The earlier that the rich accept that 'you cannot live in a sea of poor', the better the world will be
The faster the poor accept that the 'world will never be equal', the less frustrated they'd be

Don't be a bean counter but spread the beans and joys
Saving mankind is not our job but sustaining a healthy, happy, conducive and guarded ecosystem is

Tomorrow is never promised but nobody can survive a polluted world
Death is the leveller  

Monday, September 10, 2018

Life & Death Where Deaths Cannot Wait

life and death is not a choice...

When death comes a calling, nobody can delay nor seek extension
The time to return and the method are never pre-announced
Neither are you allow any lengthy delay

My friend was near death as both his kidneys failed but he opted for a transplant; today he is well and lively
Another was healthy and vibrant but his doctors discovered that he has stage-4 liver cancer and told him he has, maybe 3-4weeks to live - this is the 2nd week
A shot out of the blues; one return from death's door & the other to enter

Is there such a thing as "Wait, I am too young to die or I am not ready to go"? No, it's all pre-programmed
Some called this destiny

Make the best of today & live to the fullest
No matter what strike you, you mood & you stature in life
Do all that you can and want to
The butterfly takes its first flight when its wings are dry after metamorphosis
You cannot experience nor enjoy transfiguration without the miracle of Nature's conversion
 Live to the fullest before the last breathe leaves

In life, experiences count
Looking back, the forward can be plotted
We can learn from books, mentors, guardians and experiences...
Every step forward builds upon an earlier lead
We learn from the past to make the future better
Disruptive knowledge and invasive methods will cannibalize & rework existing flows

Will technology and AI displace and replace humans? No, but the ways forward change

When time is compacted, the speed of change accelerates
Stress level increases and the 'normal' is no longer relevant
In effect, the human race is racing faster towards the end ...
Do you need to rush? No, the end will come ultimately

Beautiful? Yes
Real? Maybe
This part of town was reclaimed from the sea
The leisure boats were there but cannot enjoy a cruise by the bay
The pride of the financial town built for the locals but 'infested' by foreigners
Everything look picturesque; standstill
It's so surreal

Like living organisms, the city populace mix changes
Adding one factor, labor, while holding the other factors constant has caused dismemberment of an identity built over the years
The social fibre & identity have been diluted
Everything is... & feels artificial
Will the death of some ideas change the equation? Probably
The only constant is change

Death the leveller
Death is never a choice
Stay healthy, happy and make hay while the sun shines
Do whatever your heart leads you
There is no right or wrong, on consequences
If you can & is willing to bear the consequences, go ahead to conquer the world
Life is never stagnant



Saturday, September 8, 2018

Dreams & Reality : Make It Happen

dreams are make of snow, spice and everything nice...

Dare you dream, work on it & you shall crystalize them
Every efforts count; drips upon drips fill an ocean
From a seed, came seedling
With TLCares, the result can be influenced
The fruit of success never comes by accident but the ideal goal arrives via incidental planning guidance...

金木水火土 The five elements are jin (metal), mu (wood), shui (water), huo (fire), tu (earth) - This is the clash
Metal cuts Wood
Wood cuts Earth
Earth cuts Water
Water cuts Fire 
Fire cuts Metal
火土金水木 This is the flow (harmony) - Generating interaction

Whatever you choose to do or not to do, you reap what you sow 因果
Let us not worry too much about tomorrow as tomorrow's never promise
The wealth you have cannot buy health
Stay healthy; with health you can achieve many more things & explore new frontiers
There is no need to quarrel nor be vindictive as revenge brews destruction and conspiracy
Be ready to "let go & leave the scene"; pain is temporary
放不下 就是还不够辛苦 还扛得起

What is wealth and happiness? Happiness is wealth
Wealth may not be happiness
He needs to earn a living, a livelihood
A responsible man must 'carry his own cross'
Nobody can share your burden and sufferings
However, everyone can/will share your 'goodies & wealth'

Be honest and live a dignified life
Whatever that's not yours shalt never be
Whatever that doesn't belongs to you, however you struggle or scheme, shalt be futile
The reward of honesty is a peace of mind
We must be able to live within our means and let the world falls into place naturally

I am no Saint nor am I goodie-type
I am just a simple person looking forward to the next day
I have no secret to living; just honest living

An apple a day keeps the doctor away
But, APPLE? Apple started many freaky problems

Eve gave an apple & mankind sinned
The falling apple gave Sir Issac Newton the Nature's theory of gravity
Steve Jobs Apple create a 24-hours workday where the smart phone & computer wreck havoc to everyone's life

Do not believe in innocent looking things
They don't kill but cast permanent curses that no medicine can reverse

Noe even GOD

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Lies, Half-truths & Misinformation

lie, lies and more lies...

Kermit was created to entertain Porky & the public
The rainbow connection was an empty promise & illusion
The beauty, the dreams, the promises ...the tomorrows
In the end, it is for yourself, by yourself
You arrived naked & shalt return likewise; cremated
Money buys comfort, fame & power but not peace

We can plan quarterly, yearly or 5-yearly
Anything beyond 10 years is hollow; it's like sailing with a destination in mind but minus the compass
Sharing a dream is great but few wake up to work on it's just a "Hope"
Keep life simple, avoid distractions and keep disappointment at bay

Believe in yourself
If you buy into others dreams and goals, you help them achieve theirs, not yours
Never leave Fate in other's hands

Such beautiful entrance
Where do you think this alleyway leads to? Surprise, surprise
This leads to the toilet. Yes; toilets
All that glitters is not gold
Pretty women and awesome men do not equals good homo sapiens
Life can be deceptive

Anyone who promises you the sky, the sun and the moon but expect you to pay with your Soul are best avoided
Whoever tells you half the story are best kept at bay
六亲不认  胜者为王
Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works
Winning at all costs is the doing of a merciless character
The path to hell is paved with good intentions
人心本善 but greed and selfishness changed the results

“Give me the child for the first seven years and I'll give you the man.” Jesuit maxim

Our futures are not determined by Providence
They have potentials, luck or lack of it and opportunities. 
Collect, collate, analyse information and make informed decision
Without sufficient information, decisions may be made with gutfeel or experiences
Be ready to pay for the price for failures
Learn from books, learn from others, learn from experiences
There is no "one-best solution" to any challenges

Whatever fits

If you willingly buy into blind loyalty, you can't blame anyone when the 'gate of Hell' opens to you
The world is filled with half truths, misinformation and entrapments

Beware and be aware; sweet nothings, costs nothings

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Probability Of A Possibility

2/3 gone & 1/3 to go - 2018...

There is one third of 2018 left
Nothing much had been achieved to date
How? Like a long drawn movie, life goes on
This is a year of deflecting many good but undelivered promises and faltered goals
It is not totally a wasteful journey; you learned to skip, reroute and drop wilful dreams
Tomorrow is never promised

Correcting a wrong path is better than blindly following it in the hope it will turn out to be good

Blind loyalty & pliant obedience do not yield the desired outcomes
Knowing when to cut loss & move on
That is the Art of Survival & Self-actualization 
Believe in yourself

This looks like any 330ml milk bottles
It is indeed
The left bottle is for adults and the right is for the baby
A little alcohol helps ease the day's chores & to maintain sanity
Some says alcohol and ciggies are bad for health
Well, well; many abstain from both but still die from various illnesses
Guess, everything in moderation is good

There are moments when being alone is sanity

Nobody should 'enjoy' substance abuse
Avoid bad companies who indulge in substances abuse
Life is already fairly tough; so do not make it any worse
You can live a normal life or write a disastrous history

Life is around until the last breath
Keep cool and calm; nothing destroys you
The despondent sees everything flowing against him & his world is dark & pathless...
Threats and destruction lie ahead
The only light is ... Hope

Death is never the solution but a leveller

I live in a cycle of Hopes
Nothing is promised but, without trying, the end is the same - empty
If you try, you either gain results or experiences
Being off tangent is still along the same route but a different outcome
Scary? No, a new line of experiences

I once decided I will never, I will never be in the sales (lines) 
But, my first job was in sales  & I was a top 10 performer & I never looked back
I have my fair share of misses but mostly made it in due course
Time is the best friend and preparations built the best fundamental

With 3 months to close 2018
I shall continue to explore & exploit
It may look dampening and discouraging
But, the world loves a Winner & I shall

Place your bet now...

Monday, August 20, 2018

Tomorrow Is Never Promised But It Shall Come

what will tomorrow brings...

What should we be thankful for? Life and living is the only thing that you need to be thankful
Do your best when you are well, alive and able
There is nothing that you cannot do within your means
What the mind thinks, it becomes
Nobody can wrestle away your thoughts ...except death
We must be thankful for the "will & power to change, to adapt & prosper"

Be thankful 感恩

This is a booster to virility; strength, energy, and a strong sex drive - manliness
Earlier, it was used to treat babies with heart problems in India
The best business is to sell virility to men and beauty to women
And, selling longevity to the rich, powerful and famous
Nonetheless, Man (Humans) has weaknesses 

Whatever! Wealth can never buys health

A dying man will very willingly give up everything to live on
But, when your time is due, nothing can change the fact
Help others and help will come your way in due course
Nobody can beat Providence 天意; the provision given & predisposed
When you are tired, rest
Rest if you must but never quit 
If you can help, please help
If you cannot help or do not want to help, do not make others lives even more difficult

Your future is yours to build
In the animal farm, all animals are equal but some are more equal than others
The world will never be equal; the earlier you accept, the better you live

Within your means, you shall push the frontiers
We are all born for a role; a specific role


The best balance is  阴阳 - strive your best for what you want & leave the outcome to crystalize
Tomorrow is never promised but it shall come

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Money Is Not Everything; Be Ready To Share

money, money & money ....

When you walked, walked and walked in search for your next meal and to find the dollars and cents to support your family
Not only the spirit and mind wore out, your shoes too
Where is the dignity, integrity and hopes of living? SAD...

Life may be difficult but it should not be made worse and more expensive than already was
The taxes and higher charges & tax upon taxes are damning
But, why are the commoners accepting the additional burdens with minimum to zero resistances? Resigned to fate, i guess

Money is a problem to the poor and rich
The former can't survive while the latter haven't have enough
The food kitchens' Q are getting longer
Suicide rates are up for the young and elderly

Can a Nation be deemed prosperous and progressive when the top enjoys 85% of luxury & income and the 15% share the crumbs? You decide👌👌👍

Looks great, bright and prosperous but ...
Hidden within the greatness and grandeur is ...
Alas! Who will understand the heartaches and pains of the suffering poors? Not the ruling class
Disagree? Ok la

I am not the decider nor Ombudsman
I am a poor blogger ~ ventilating
Shout until the throat is hoarse does not mean anything nor results
Will tomorrow be better? I prefer "it is better now", not tomorrow
Will the next 50 years or 100 be better? I prefer the better is now than 50 or 100 years...

I live today and everyday that & when I am breathing; tomorrow may never come

I am not cut out to be a politician neither am I interested
Since young, I do not succumb to bullying and hate bullies & Bruce Lee was an inspiration
We are 东亚病夫 no more; how can we as "the yellow descendants龙的传人" not care for one another? Do care and share

Everyone has some pride; forgo the ego but keep your principle
His T-shirt says alot
I may smell but I am the best Chef
Pretty faces cannot last nor tolerate hunger
What prettiness is there when one is famished? Nil/Zero

Have a good laughs with my satirical blog...& if you some spare change, please use them to help the less fortunate

GOD rewards your compassion and care

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Health & Staying Healthy

health is the only wealth...

There is no wealth, fame, power and happiness without health
Death is the leveller
The incessant madness to collect more and stashing more monies are results of greed & 'bullying'
The commoners slog, strive and struggle to remain afloat & their strengths is in "staying healthy"
Without health, their lives will be 'gone to the dogs'; the unmonied person is worse than a beggar
Society has move so fast, too fast indeed, that many are left behind and struggling 活生生的
The bourgeoisie and the proletariat are becoming one; ruled by the elite few

Making a livelihood生活 and struggling活生生 to stay alive are world's apart
The former can make do while the latter struggles
Life should not be toyed with and made harder as we work for a living & not live to work
100 years is only 36,500 days & many cannot achieve 2/3s to 3/4s
Why bother about heaven and hell when living on Earth is worse than Hell? Karma is the adjuster
Make no mistake; live well and live best whatever comes

Whatever fits
Smile, scream or weep; time still moves
Never cry over spilled milk
Walk pass all the difficulties with ease
There is no prize in wallowing in self-pity
道理很多 常识很难找或做
Happiness lightens the heart

Smiles leave behind emo-energy & cosmic strengths
Wrinkles of smiles do not show on the face
The wrinkles you see on faces are carved over the years of agony, frowns and disappointment
Smile; you arrived crying & you better return happily and smiling
The worldly smiles win admirers 

The smiley faces of this crew changed history
Before their journey, the Japanese ruled with brutality, coercion, looting & cruelty
If you use moral suasion to negotiate with bullies & dictators, it's futile
Fighting fire with fire is the decider

There is no right or wrong; you may need the pains to stop further destruction and sufferings 
An "Order", a "Command" must be respected & executed in a timely manner
Will history be any different without the "Fat Boy"? Probably; the burning of Hell in Nagasaki & Hiroshima brought the message home to them

I do not advocate violence
But, if need be, fire shall stop further fire
Life needs no violence but violence needs to be exterminated with any means
Fight to win ; do not just fight
The healthy few shalt rule the weaken crowd
All messages shalt be delivered without a doubt
If need be, the healthy few shalt floor the elite, dictatorial & dominant group
Nobody can or will be bullied forever

Friday, August 3, 2018

Nothing Is Easy

nothing is easy...

All that glisten is not gold
The lighted city harbors costs yet opportunities
But, what value does a city holds if it is Soulless
The vibrancy of the city is in her people
The presence of lively and highly spirited populace is like a match-light in total darkness

What sparkle is not the hardware but the lives populating the city 

Giving up and leaving the city is a loser's choice
The sunny island was usurped of its Soul where money overrode compassion and share
Empty promises rules the roost 

The rivers open into the sea
As you venture out, your opportunities widen
The route to success is paved with myths of distractions to delay those in doubts
There is a need to be focus, determined and self-motivated with sprinklings of grits

Who wins? Definitely not the weak hearted and discouraged

The Winner/Champion is always being challenged as there is only one Numero Uno
The only way is to keep improving on the lead & tired off the challengers
GOD don't determine who wins the trophy but shalt bless those who persists
Given a chance, everyone must try as giving up is never a choice

01082018一发一发1818 came and left
Prosperity, luck, happiness are all associated with
Frankly, happiness is a choice

Thursday, August 2, 2018

August - The Power Of Our Mind

augustɔːˈɡʌst/adjective: august respected and impressive....


Sometimes, you venture into the unknown and returns alive unaware that you have just walk passed

valley of death

Nobody dies if his time is not up

Go forth, explore and discover

There is no limit what you can do

What the mind tinkles with, it crystalizes and manifest


Death does not hit the aged

Deaths call upon anyone when it's time to go

Death ...the leveller

The aristocrats, rulers, working class, peasants levelled 平起平坐 when death knocks


Young is when energy brings you everywhere and anywhere

Mid-life is where problems abound; 上有老,下有小 眼睛一开 问题就来 

 Old age is where preservation rules; no energy to rush, little problem to be found


Morning is where everything begins again

The continuing agony, problems, frustration.. were issues not left behind last night

It is best to resolve the bad & whatever before sleeping

Impossible? No 放不下是因为还可以扛

Let the new day be new


酸甜苦辣 春夏秋冬 这就是人生 

The world loves a Winner & stays away from losers and whiners

You must make a sane choice

Keeping everyone within you yet staying afar from the 'leeches of acquaintances'

Be useful to the world but avoids being used

Work smart, not hard

The best player succeeds after loads of pains, sacrifices and rejections but everyone only see his success

Life is so easy

Always show the best side of yourself

And, the world goes gaga with you

Keep cool, stay calm & remains healthy

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...