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Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Quality Of Today & Everyday

 more days ahead for discovery...

Never mind the colds & wintry winds

Survivors come in all cuts and sizes

The blade of grass is more sturdy than the great oak tree in the wintry breeze

All living things seek retreat when weakest or when the ecosystem is most threatened

Winter is the time to slow down, recharge, review the year & prepare forward

Nothing is impossible when 2021 arrives where the whole new normal landscape begins

Whatever were thought of as impossibles are changed, reformed and evolved

Work from home, put on masks to enter secure(ity) areas, social distancing, Q-to-shop, eSolutions domination, eBanking & video conferencing are new normals

6 more days to go before 2020 is out

But, that's a long >600,000 seconds to go

If you stop breathing, you loss them all

From planting the seeds to the early signs of a sapling growing takes time

The sampling grew into full bloom with flowers before any fruits will ever surface

Mother Nature craftily creates & time is the essence

Like everything else, we are always in a hurry; racing towards the ending line

The metamorphosis of the butterfly, from egg, larva, pupa into butterfly, takes about 6-8weeks before the grandeur color finally appear

In a crisis, stay cool, calm & moves less

Cut to the minimal... drink & eat enough, rest more, maneuver lesser

When light returns, surface

Blessed are those who survive the crisis; few survive swimming against the tides  

不用 天长地久 只求 要用就有

The people rejoice over the death of the oppressor just as you rejoice at the chance to recover

There is no need to win the battle but losses the war


However difficult 2020 was, many will make it through with minimal disruption

Discomforts require adaption while extended issues require a little more patience and time  

7 more days "is a long time" as the arrival of 2021 will add & refresh a further 365

Live the qualities, not the quantity

Today is 平安夜 peaceful day as everyday should be too

Many celebrate Good Friday but my every Fridays are good

The undertone is "Be Greatful & Forever Hopeful"

Comes whatever may, stay cheerful, healthy and safe

There are many days ahead...& you must be there to savor it

Monday, December 21, 2020

Dreams Need No Responsibility

fairy tales are dream-made ...

Winter solstice - as the weather walks into the cold

It's time to rest, reflect, rejuvenate and take life easy

One year ago & one year later 

Life changes most in year 2020

Every & many impossibles were made possible

COVID has changed how lives are conducted & the economic landscape have changed dramatically

The cold weather is ideal breeding grounds for the virus, including mutation

Man must refrain from polluting & destroying the environment but ...alas!

Man has enough nuke weapons to self-destruct 

Their follies, selfishness, arrogance & greed are perfect igniting factors 


Dreams are best as they are void of responsibilities; to fly in the dream, to reach the stars, the maim your opponents, to force the King to kneel before you, to eat to your heart's delight... to get wet & dirty

 When life is challenged & there seemed no solutions, worry not

Fulfill your basic needs; air, water, food & shelter

Breath well & stay healthy, drink from the tap, one meal a day & shelter from the elements

Like day & night, all shalt pass & recovering from the pit is a "done deal"

However, difficult it may seem, there is lights soon

Dreams are powered-up motivators

Who dares win

Many have awaken & resume their climbs and conquests


Why do you think we have dreams & fairy tales? These are powered motivators

If you don't die, you live to conquer new frontiers

All fairy tales have happy endings & so do comics & dreams

I love to extend my dreams... get back to sleep asap, even trying to change the course in my dreams

Silly? Mad? Unreal? Why do I need to be real in dreams? Just enjoy the impossibles

Getting up again is so refreshing not unlike slaying the evil dragons

I love my make-believe self; sneaking into my cocoon to recharge & defeat all the bads

I live to fight another day; GOD willing

In this trying times, be ready & willing to let go 

What is not yours shalt never be

Whatever is yours该来的总是会来  , you cannot avoid 兵来将挡水来土掩

Nothing kills you if your time is not up

The future is yours to build and conquer & dreams need no responsibility & is the best decoy

Dreams move the spirit away from defeats & craft defenses not usually available to a vivid mind

If tomorrow comes...









Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Brutal Truths

 realities hurt...

What you want may not be what you get; at least, it may not be fully satisfied

Many try their best within their abilities but some say "your best is not good enough"! Alas, even the elastic rubber bands snap

Dreams are leads to goals but you gonna get up and work on it

Achievements will come, maybe not today but some days soon

 Be aware & ready to accept that we are all made different

You are made for better things & more beautiful, rewarding returns

The calm, calculated & inexhaustive mind moves mountains

Nobody can force you to do things that you don't want to ...greed & foolishness aside 

There is no time for regrets as energies are best utilize at upending for better results

Don't cry over spilled milk


When the chips are down, lie low

Some days, I am totally drenched

At others, I was hung up & dry/dried

No mercy nor retreat were in sight but with grit, calmness & indifference, much can be overcame

What can be worse than dead? Nothing

Like stupidity, the dead don't feel any more as the stupids never think they are wrong & suffer no fallout nor side effects


How do you tell your loved ones that your days are dated? Be cool & calculated; speak calmly & with authority that "being born & dying" is never a choice

Trust GOD for He is the Decider but remember to stay healthy, fit and safe; He cannot deliver you if you are dead as dodo

Make comfort & convenience for others as it/they make yours easier & your life lighter

We can't fight Nature's wrathes as Mother nature punished Man for destroying the entire ecosystem

Typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods...cleanse the environment

Earthquakes, fires redistribute & recreate arable land 

With vanity, greed & selfishness, Man has overbuilt & the few (5%) controls the mass (95%) 


The trust in GOD has slowly but surely dissipated & thinned out

Is this picturesque, serene & calm or is it deserted, lifeless & void? Water is the source of life & there is life & serenity

If you don't push the boundaries, you will always be stucked 

If you fear, your world is decidedly restricted

If you don't fight for your rights & dreams, you will be living another person's goal

Do not be deceived by what you see or think

What the mind thinks, it achieves

心有多大 舞台就多大 

没有做不到的 只有还没想到

The chinese character "人" is a simple two strokes 

These two legs help you walk, see & conquer the world

Life is meant to be easy but made complicated by philosophers & historians

The philosophers write ideals which are near perfection & non-existent while history is written by winners & winning at all costs is what matters

I would put these two subjects under Fiction Ad Infinitum 

The truths is Man must live harmoniously with each other

Anything beyond this, Mankind self-destructs

Truths and realities are always more painful but not necessarily cruel




Sunday, December 6, 2020

Crucial Decisions

the mind is ticking away ...


This year 2020 is exceptional - it started normal but shall ends in a new normal

Many "impossibles" became "possibles" - there are abstract warnings to Mankind to repent & restore

Repent and stop destroying Mother Nature for the wrathes of Nature is merciless & decisive

Nation against nation, man versus man, family versus family ...the selfish mind knows no conscience

Winning is everything & winning at any costs destroys

When sanity gives way to greed, violence and anarchy ensue

The winds of destruction will wipe out Man; only few will be spared to perpetuate a new Generation

The New Age will be peaceful, compassionate, cooperative and caring - selflessly fending for one another

The world will be less crowded and non-intimidating as the vicious & cruel are eliminated by their own self-destructive acts

Man proposes, GOD disposes

Food & resources are abundance but hoarding by the wealthy few create famine & shortages, made worse by the disruptive & inefficient distribution channels

The average commoners are pliant, obedient, happy-go-lucky and indifferent to the overarching Laws, costs of living and enjoy simple living

They enjoy their no-frills lives

Live and let live

Revolutions are the result of suppression, oppression and deprivation & a nonchalant catalyst sparks all

Nobody wants anarchy

There is no perfect ideology; capitalism, socialism, communism - at extremes, it's all for themselves, by themselves, with themselves


At every turn of history & calamities, a new leader is born 

The natural leader leads by example, is selfless, farsighted and cares for the lots' fortunes

No inherited leadership can gain everlasting, unquestioned support 

Power, fame, money are finite - when the season's over, the pains double

胜者为王  人死留名 虎死留皮

History is written by winners

2020 is a leveller ; everything, almost anything, level down

A new normal will emerge in 2021 & life will never be the same again

The world will be smaller & the globe spins faster as more are done via eLink(internet)

Survival of the fittest will be the motto, going forward

Fittest refer to positive minds, adaptability, nimbleness, decisiveness ... & winning is temporary

Challenges, conquers and conquests interwine - keep your winnings & live another day

Man will move away from being a social animal to become more guarded - days of "living in the cave" returns  

The squirrel syndrome - hunt for food, collect, bring home, enjoy the harvest & home warmth, relax & relief... feed on the collections until finished, hunt again

Man will work to survive and not survive to work

As the trust in currency (paper money) evaporates, eCurrency & barter trades become the norm

Arable land, food basins & farmable oceans will be reduced & the solutions are vertical farmable apparatuses - the storied food factories

Not GMO food, though


The change has arrived & shalt be a permanent constant

Adopt, adapt, be fluid & swift - tomorrow is never promised

But, tomorrow shalt be better






nothing can bend the mind..

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Undisturb Mind

 calming the imagined storm ...

“Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens millions of flowers every day without forcing their buds.” — Osho

How to remain calm in turbulence? It's almost impossible but you can dance in the breeze顺风航行

In the storm, the grand old oak tree fell but the blade of grass dances in the wind 

You can't swim against the tides nor can you walk past the hurricane; Nature's wrath is mercilessly destructive

Harmony is achieved via/by peaceful coexistence & going with the flow

和平共处 天助我也

Over time, everything becomes normal

War, famine, peace, abundance, pestilence, diseases...

In war, people value peace & in famine, food waste disappears

Man can complains about inconvenience and disruption but, if death & sickness are the only way out, Man will adjust & adapt

Money cannot buy health and time

Sleep enough, be positive and work towards your goal; rest with a strong mind, pilot you toward you desired objective

No goal is too far nor impossible within your capabilities

Believing you can is half the battle won

Expect the unexpected or expect nothing & there will be lesser disappointments

A life of 70-80years must be punctuated with constant maintenance & exercises

The body cannot function well without care; failing which it shall waste away

With health, the rest flow days & nights; you are as lively as your last breath

Do not stress the small stuffs & let the stress not stuck upon you

The poor man seek the basics of life while the rich man strives & stress to protect his achievements

Slow down, admire Nature - we are not slaved to work 

“Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still surface, and great depths of kindness.” - Lao Tzu

Before the big match, before your examination or before an important appointment, the calm mind devoid of distractions win the day 

Time is my best friend

I cannot win by rushing when the time is not ripe


GOD willing, I will succeed

Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Promising Future Awaits You

 the uncertain future is positive ...

It's almost one year into Covid-19 & there are still no clear signs that "all shalt pass"

However, while many has gotten used to the new normal; adopt & adapt to survive & prosper

There is the untold stress of being locked-in but it's loosening ... to allow breathing & social spaces

There are no brave people in the heat of the disease spreading - Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed -
Isaiah 26:20

Defying Nature is everyone's folly ; the earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, wild fires, floods

Avoid the paths of wrath & live to see another day; GOD willing

辛苦 心不能苦  活在当下  雨过天晴

The successful people use lull time to upskill, reskill, learn another trade or refine his skillsets

Be ready, be prepared, stay calm & sharpen up your knowledge & applications & when opportunities present, pounced

Time & tides wait for no man & passes whether its happy, sad or wild

The crack of daylight is the brightest just as drops of water in the desert saves lives

The wise lives to tell a tale while the fool's word-worthy is crafted on the stone 

One breathes on while the other had his last breath

留得青山在 不怕没柴烧


The world's economy has collapsed & shrunk 

Few countries, if any, will end the year positive but...

That's only normal after years of expansion except for the speed of shrinking is calamitous & impactful

Singapore is no exception but its a "blessing in disguise"; SG was late to innovate & adopt newer, revolutionary techs, AI, eCommerce & medi-techs & with global slowdown and the US/China tradewars, many overseas companies are resettling onto our soil to benefit from our near neutral position

Policy makers will do well to allow more leeway to innovate and adapt & be less paternalistic with rules & Bye-laws. The future is here & most companies are highly mobile... eSolutions will make the world more borderless 

Any dogma to remain unchanged or to police paternalistically will only send NewTechs away from our shores

The printing of (paper) monies will usher in inflation & gold may again reign

Worse, stagflation will kill an already slow global economy

Forget the past & begin again


A wholly new working ecosystem will evolve after Covid where fewer days are spent in office & work from home rules

The need to commute (transport)  will ease and self-contained township development becomes a new norm : the vertical city will emerge where commerce meets residential meets leisure

Landscape changes include how food is distributed, processed & consumed; pre-prepared, prepacked & ready to serve packages distributed by AI-driverless delivery will be the norm

Safehaven countries with political stability will prosper

It's not a time to rejoice but definitely a time to adjust to a new normal

When the whole world is suffering the same fate, there is no need to bury in sorrows 

Innovate into a whole new world where internet rules & be prepared

In any event, if a war breaks out, it will be the war to end all wars

After half the global population is nuke-off, the world will be a better place as the/a lesson well taught will be well learnt

Are you prepared? A promising future awaits you

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Comeback Victory Tastes Sweeter

the best car cannot run on empty fuels...

Time and again, people are disappointed because promises were not fulfilled

But, between GOD & Man, cash is the most trustworthy; cash can buy for promises, not the reverse

Money is the root of most evil yet the church ask for money

Money stinks yet money is the only item that is widely recycled without prompting


Money buys the best promises & deliver almost everything

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.” - Colin Powell

When you are tired, rest; the journey ahead is long & uncharted

Taking a break allows everyone to ease a little, reflect & reroute a possibly wrong direction

Chasing the rainbow is a fool's goal; there is no pot of gold at the end of either side

Positive advises are aplenty but few are adopted & practiced

Live well & fight your own battles; followers die without knowing the causes

You will be missed you after you depart ...memory

 “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” - Colin Powell

The world is turbulent, filled with half truths and misinformation

Never believe the first thing you hear nor see in this distorted world

Fighting back is always tougher but giving up meant non-returns

Be patient, learn a lesson or two during lull, be prepared yet lie low; when opportunity presents, pounce

I know well; it's tire fighting & chasing everyday - chasing a dream is an arduous task

Some battery also becomes flat

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking - Zen

Recovery is not a race...the mental & physical need to balance & ready

Rest if you must, but never quit

Sometimes, I wonder if I was stuck at 'ground zero' but if I am, many could have been worse - a self-consolation

A fool, a blind follower & a die-hard loyal will never change their mind nor course

Living others' dream is the worst; when you awaken, you are nearer the grave


There is no magic cure, no making it all go away forever. There are only small steps upward; an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter anymore. I am thawing.”  - ― Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls

Work on all that you desire, however slow

A step at a time that turns days into months & recovery is in sight

Everything is easier after achieved - just ask any winners

I am recovering from a long shot setback - it pushes me back but it's not gonna kill me

I am who I am; the incurable positive - comeback victory tastes sweeter - metamorphosis of a butterfly

It was an ugly caterpillar, turned pupa before breaking out to display its beautiful wings. There again, when it crawls out of the pupa, its legs and wings are wet. Nobody should help nor hurriedly push it out for Nature requires it to stretch & slowly dry out before it can fly & display her grace





Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Beautiful Tomorrow Awaits You

fighting to stay alive in uncertainties...

There is no retreat in uncertainties but avoiding the paths of destruction allow survival

As the world gets smaller, the need for territorial ringfencing, protection & domination rise

Few, if not "NO one", is/are prepared to share; Man destroy Nature to selfishly exploit the land

COVID is a stark reminder that when Nature strikes back, Man has no retreat but be destroyed mercilessly

Unfortunately, Nature doesn't gives warning nor is merciful; worse, Man will destroys men

Only the honest, compassionate, life-loving persons will survive Nature's wraths

7.2bil persons on Earth are not too many but the rich, powerful and ruthless, together with their apparatuses & cronies will be destroyed in the next Coming

Half is (will be) destroyed if nukes fly as diseases do not wipe out that many & poverty, crops & land destruction will "drain off"  another half

After 2-3years post-destruction, Man would have adapted, adjusted & lived within his means & helping one another is a key to survival

Will above happen? If it happens, it's the result of Man's greed & selfishness, not GOD's doing

The world is nearer a nuke war with US sabre-rattling & Trump's intent to remain in Presidency despite losing the election; a war will allow him to be the War President without the need to handover to the new winner

Taiwan is less likely to be the war catalyst but India will be mad enough to allow the US to ignite the powder keg

When, and if, provoked, China will hit the source rather than just the conduit

There is nothing to worry as it's not within the ordinary man's control

Live your best, live happily and healthily 

When everything blow over, a new world shall rise


The comfort of the world is "it's blessed by Mother Nature with abundance"

There are more than enough to go around & foods are available for all

Industrialization, technology, AI & man-made desires complicate the basics of life

When farms are industrialized, fowls, cattle, sheep, livestock, food are engineered to meet demands

Their DNAs & habits are re-engineered to expedite growth & GMO food with their genome altered & pesticides poison the food chain - RIRO - Rubbish In, Rubbish Out

Man must emancipate their minds to free the world again &, by extension, free himself

The future is refreshing, rewarding and have abundance

Live and let live    






Thursday, November 12, 2020

Talking My Way To Victory

 so long as you are alive, there is a chance...

Live simply

Nobody dies living simply & with basics :  water, shelter, food, clothing

Poverty is not that there are not enough to go around but the top hoard & waste while the mid-to-lower are deprived of the distributions

Wealth & food are hoarded by the rich & powerful

More than half of the $16.7 trillion in new wealth was in the U.S., which grew $8.5 trillion richer. But that wealth around the world is increasingly concentrated among those at the top. 
The top 1 percent now owns 50.1 percent of the world's wealth, up from 45.5 percent in 2001 - Nov 14, 2017

Some day, the world will go to war over drinking water

The world is becoming poorer as 99% shares 49.9% of the world's wealth

At extremes, more die of hunger due to the lack of accessibility to food and clean water than lack of...

There is no need to fear adversity especially if it affects everybody

If it's everybody's problem, then it's universal - no single person need to be burdened by shared problems

When major earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis strike... stay away from their destructive paths

Luck is with all those who need not die

When nukes (wars) strike, even if you are enjoying the "peace of shitting"/toilet, you die; there is no running away for those within the radiation circumference

The evil cast their outreach to maim and destroy yet the innocents suffer;  the worldly worries are not you nor me


In any scenario, create positive environment & move away from deadwood, critiques & naysayers

Count your blessings and small wins & surround yourself with motivated, positive people

The secret of achievements is not giving up nor be buried by weaker, blame-searching souls

Spend your time to look for solutions instead of delving into the problems and witch-hunting

Energy must be well spent & positively expended

Nobody will shed tears for your in defeat but the world will cheer you in victory

Share the joys, the laughter and the crowning glory

Live every day like it's the last & you live heavenly


“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” - Vince Lombardi

What's with all the hue and cry when the good times return and you are not there

Stay on, be calm & be prepared; when opportunity presents, pounce 

Having no money is not a problem; with health, you can go in search for money

Being born poor is not a curse but dying poor is your own doing

We each have our own dream and we waddle differently towards our goals条条大路通罗马...someday, somehow, we will make it

GOD never decide your destiny but you : Providence is part written & mostly work to crystalize

"Don’t count the days; make the days count." - Mohammed Ali

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Mohammed Ali

Finally, COVID has made many impossibles, possible

I shall build up my health & return to the stage again

The slow pace isn't a poison, the determined & potent mind conquer all 

Sooner rather than later, the world will smiles with me - The Winner

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Your Vibrant Self Attracts Others

be happy whatever happens ...

There are just too much uncertainties & variables that cause abrupt changes

Fear not as if you don't know, why worry? There're simply no basis

Whatever must happen, will happen

Expect the unexpected and the lower (to nil) expectation, the lesser the disappointment

如果该发生的 应该已经在路上了

Ant Financial wanted to raise us$34bil (IPO) & was grossly oversubscribed to the tune of >us$10trn

Many were disappointed that they didn't get any allotment but two days before listing, the listing was scrapped; nobody is any wiser

The biggest loser is Jack Ma; an almost No 1 billionaire in China

In this trying period, stay calm, retrain & be ready, mark your with eagle eyes & when opportunity presents, pounce

Covid is faceless; anyone can be infected & the recovery is not assured though many regain their health

The longer term side effects on various organs is still unproven but definitely fatal - an incremental chance of making existing illnesses worse

While we remain careful, healthy and practice good hygiene, we cannot discount the element of surprise 'attack' - in GOD's hands

Being born and the time of death are "never a choice" - life is finite & the end is a surprise

Death the leveller - the only equality in Mankind

"I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.” - Isaac Newton

Any worthy leader will live a simple life and have patience and compassion for his fellowmen & the world will be a better place to live in

“A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will be of service throughout your life.” - Winston Churchill

Speaking the truths and act truthfully are virtues of a good leader. The commoners do not make demands but are pleased to pass the days with minimum to nil disruptions. Costs of living & taxes are the biggest disruption & potent forces for changes

“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy.” – Cynthia Nelms

Happiness & being happy is a state of mind that's found within ourselves. When you were born, you cried while your family members & friends cheered loudly. When you die, your family & friends cries while you lie there motionless, emotionless & your chapter ends. It is clear that others' laughters & tears are not yours. . . & you'd soon be forgotten

Stay positive, be healthy, be happy ...for your vibrant self attracts others

The world loves a Winner 

Live heavenly when you are on Earth; do not seek heaven nor hell after you pass on as every chapter is different & nobody has return to prove that there is heaven or hell

Saturday, October 31, 2020

All Worries Will Suddenly Disappear

 moving forward ...

In 2020, COVID-19 has destroyed and paralyzed economies & decimated industries

Little were spared; saved for medical services, health care and medical supplies

There were moments when time stopped, emotions were erratic & spirits low  

The air was still, the surroundings were hollowed-out & people were 'caged in'

The usual crowd disappeared, shopping malls were emptied & 'ghost towns' abound

Fear not as this is the deliberate lull forced on mankind

Stay home-bound, masked up or risks your life; the choice is clear

Covid does not discriminate; life is fleeting when Covid hits & the sun may never rise on you

Infection spreads readily amongst crowds & coughing, sputum, saliva are potent spreaders and the virus is air-borne 

It's a global threat - but when Man is "caged-in", Nature recovers

Tomorrow will be better ...provided Man is reformed

The earlier Man refrains from destroying Nature & be compassionate, the earlier is salvation

No man's an island & time is borrowed

Globalization became a strange word when countries "lock down"

A new normal shall emerge ...alas! Guess, it's another six months

The future is an eCommerce world where 30% of what you are doing now races through the eThoroughfare

Brick & motor only slow down the processes when algorithms decipher & decode the situation

Man's choices will soon be digitalized & EQ will be scarcer

There is no need to spend long hours at work as AI, robots & technologies routinise work

But, what good do free hours offer to mankind; leisures

Don't give up; it's a little lonely but you're not alone

Need not despair as jobs disappear because AI-machines replace Man

Take life easier as more leisure become available & your meal tickets are good for the year

Develop the mind & ease your body into better health

Empty is not void 


2020 - is a year to stay alive and healthy

Any excess is a bonus while you wait patiently and sanely until the ceasement resumes

Do not be driven into despair by your own unregulated speed

When it affects everyone, it's everyone's problems, not yours

When the virus menace is over, the world can returns back to normal




Sunday, October 25, 2020

Live In Harmony As Evils Are Rooted Out Of Earth

 be happy, come what(ever) may ...

There has been a truce from COVID for a while

Many businesses are attempting to make a return but social distancing and restrictions on gathering are hampering recovery

Some have grown fat whilst many sit by to watch life passes by

It's not much of a choice when the fear of infections is real & the authorities are unsure


There is no "one solution that fits all"; opening up again to all locals is just the first step

Without effective & accountable leadership, the task force will continue its rudderless journey

Many say its not easy to government but nobody was forced to take the luxuriously paid jobs

If the kitchen is too hot, get out

I am sure there are many suitably qualified persons who are willing to do the job with a heart, care & share and at half the price, paper qualifications aside

When & during calamities, money helps but is not a solution to the many problems which are about survival

The world has plentiful to go around if not for hoarding

Hunger & frustration is not about shortages but caused by unequal distributions

Without "care & share", coupled with greed & self entitlement, many suffer 

Leave the selfish & elite out and much could be harvested & distributed; harmony returns

GOD is fair; those who are magnanimous and righteous shall be rewarded & saved in due course

2020 is a year to seek sustainability, safety and good health, not to be recklessly adventurous

Stockmarket - financial markets, boosted by liquidity, will end the year losing half its peak's gain - only a steadfast hand can manoeuvre its volatility

Gold should close the year above $2,000 & it's not surprising to see US$/S$ trading under 1.35

What's the use of money if money can't buy necessities & basic commodities, including food? Inflation shall rear it's head as shortages fire up panic demands

There is no need to worry too much about global giants sabre-rattling as those with nukes need  to be level & sound minded

Any accidental wars are going to be settled with nukes to draw to an amicable close

US + EU versus China + Russia + Iran are the most potent explosive combination

India, Japan, Taiwan & Eastern Europe are surrogate grounds for weapons testing  

An upsurge of mutated COVID virus is gonna upend the truce that the world seemed to be enjoying 

Do not throw caution to the winds; wear masks, keep ample distance and stay safe

Cautionary - Store some food and water, not hoard, in case the uneventful happens

Death is not scary but extended period of uncertainties wear off the Souls

When the globe goes into a convulsion, Man(kind)'s days are limited

Deaths angels don't discriminate between races, religions and creeds

Be humble, magnanimous & spare some for the less-abled and less fortunate 行善

The wicked, selfish, dishonorable, scheming...shalt end as GOD's dish out their dues

And the world will becomes a pleasant place again as Nature coexist harmoniously with Man/Human

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Future Is Bright

 the future is fog...

Life is as uncertain as ever & nothing's clear

Covid, trade wars, sabre-rattling & military gamesmanship, greed, misinformation, anger, fear & fear mongering, ignorance, apathy

Every new cycle in life gets more dynamic and dramatic

The crowded Earth makes matters worse

Why must US go around destroying other countries like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan & create storms in SCSeas? Their banditry must stop

British, Portugal, France...western powers are all the same - conquer, loot, 'scorched the Earth' strategy & retreat

The ports in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines ...were returned to local administrations  

Asia, after the year 2000, became ruled by Asians as Macau returned to China - the 21st Century is the Asian Century

October - the last quarter of the year where more changes are expected; for the better or worse

2020 will go into history as the year that the world's businesses stopped & the people quarantined

Many "IMPOSSIBLEs" became possible - countries locked down, planes were grounded/clipped, people were quarantined, commerce stalled, eCommerce & teleconferencing flourished, Mother Earth gained a breather

F&Bs, travels, hotels, airlines, cruises, hospitality services - were decimated whilst non-essential & non-urgent medical treatments were shelved

The world needs to slow down and fend for each other instead of fight against each other

Together there will be more to share

Divided, the house of cards will collapse


Where have the brains and logic of politicians gone? Law of Comparative Advantage & Law of Competitive Advantage are thrown into the dumps

Well. well...the greed & ignorance of politicians & the wealthy will cause anarchy

The island of rich cannot live in a continent of poors

Poverty is not caused by wealth creation but wealth hoarding; there is enough to go around if everyone shares 

What does the future holds? Plentiful & positive

If the rich hoards wealth & hunger prevails to all and sundries, there will be rebellion for want of survival; the need to eat to survive

If there are compassion & care, the world will be a happier place to live

Everyone knows "from dusts to dusts"; you came naked & shalt return naked...& alone

Either you care & share or the deprived will fight to survive; the former is less likely

After destruction, it's reconstruction ...& only the finer Souls will survive

What will destroy half the world's population? Not Covid but an accidental war that escalate into nukes exchange - a war to end all wars

I'm not bleak nor negative but ultimately 该来的已经在路上 there is no cure for stupidity

2020 will close with a blip - uneventful - if only we survive

Sunday, September 20, 2020

For A Better Tomorrow 善

lives and living will turn for the better...

COVID & war-wannahappens will destroy Man 

Will GOD simply forgives you & saves you because you confess? No, don't even dream about forgiveness

Confess - you may confess your sins & wrongdoings at the pit & in darkness but are you remorseful? Umm...

Remorse - are you truly remorseful after your confession or conveniently confess? Oh... 

Repent - you have confessed & you are remorseful but will you repent 

Nobody goes to Heaven simply because he confesses his sins 

Heaven is not a harbor for sinners but repentants


I've learnt the Power of Prayers & to believe in GOD

COVID & the uncertainties are challenges that Man never encountered before

Many dreams were shelved, not for want of reasons, but simply immobilized by C-19

Incidentally, my health failed me but by a stroke of GOD's grace & plentiful of exercises, I escaped getting worse; it was an early sign 

Business-wise, things are moving albeit at snail's pace

It's like flickering lights; more darkness than light-ups but every brightness is a blessing

Looking forward to tomorrow but with rose colored glasses


What if my last breathe is now? It has never crosses my mind

Whatever happens, so long as we can be saved, we will live to see & fight another day

人在事在 人亡事忘  

There is no need to worry as the world continues to roll-on; with or without you (& me)

Nobody is indispensable and what's left behind are memories; either fondly recalled or cursed continuously

I prefer the quality of life and living 

Live happily, healthily and blissfully away from the worries, disappointment, frustration & set backs

Expect little to nothing and there will be no frustration - everything positive result is a blessing


I am who I am; within my means & capabilities I have achieved much

My next frontier; to enter monkhood & away from the material things

I wanna "sink & sulk" into Nature & return a healthier person

Maybe, after my sabbaticals I will be able to see people & the future a little clearer

Not to judge others but to walk away from Man's follies & offer, perhaps, guidance to lost Souls

Confess, remorse & repent & we will be nearer Truths & Peace

There is redemption & forgiveness when one is truly remorseful & repents忏悔





Monday, September 14, 2020

Honesty Clears Life's Hurdles

 autumn going into winter ...

When the leaves leave, the trees bare

Baring all is to survive the wintry cold despite their nakedness as less water is lost

- 生比苦重要 人在事在

Snakes shed skins, water freezes, the north winds slices through like sharp blades

The relieve from wintry colds is Christmas; the season of hopes and redemption

Slow ...slow down & allow the body & mind to repair & take recess

COVID brought most economies & industries to their knees except for necessities like medicals

However, the capital markets have exhibited black swan phenomenons 


Stockmarkets corrected in March 2020 but rebounded due to excessive currency printing & fiat monies

The black swan was NASDAQ [52 weeks : Low/High 6631/12,074]

How did the stock markets discount trade wars, Covid lockdown, massive disruptions, challenging political & military gamesmanship to managed to outperform the demands of economics? It's 'fakeries' of paper monies that's supporting the 'house of cards'

Beware, be aware & be forwarned

The Great Depression is likely to be a "storm in a teacup" compared to what's coming

However, the Great Depression is long drawn out but the next difficulties will be short but impactful

Greed does not help in preservation, sustenance & continuity ; only honesty will save the day


Singapore is struggling from conformity versus the vigorous need to transform herself

There is a dearth of fresh ideas & good money is thrown after bad

Many private sector enterprises were not duly nor sufficiently supported but foreign bodies gain

Unemployment & under employment of local PMETs increased but the flows of inbound foreignPMETs continue unabated & whose well being is being looked after

How will Singapore turn around in this highly volatile, hugely uncertain & challenging period if locals/citizens are in the bunsen burners? The same old solutions are impotent to any cures

Old habits die hard & stupidity has no cures 


To each his own - you are on your own

COVID is status blind  & there is no reference books on SOPs, command & control

Streetwisdom wins the day

False promises, foretelling, misinformation, scam, cahooting with intent to deceive & abuse...& conning the way to dominate & conquer is a new norm as truths hurt

GOD will not end the world but the foolish Man will

When you are blessed but you abused your position & status to burn the fort with scorched earth policy

You, and all the baddies, shalt perish in GOD's clean-ups

人在做 天在看

There will be fewer Man standing in the new world & these Man are God-chosen, not cronyism 

The material cravings destroy the selfish, self-anointed pariahs who think they own the divine rights to dominate

Some day...soon; the Good will reign

In GOD, I trust






Monday, September 7, 2020

See You In Good Times

 when the autumn leaves drop...

2/3 of 2020 is gone & the plants are shedding leaves in lieu of change

The environment prepares for the wintry cold & incubation, recuperation & hibernation

Shedding & giving up are to prepare for survival ; the blanket of snow will force a change

1st-Half of 2020 was a struggle to survive, accepting & adapting to changes 

The other half is to anticipate the demands created by changes & probable new ways of life


In my 60 years alive, this is one year where all impossibles became possible

Where travels are no longer free & people are locked-in to their respective countries, big & small

Birds & animals were caged as pets but humans are 'caged' to minimize contamination & for survival

Covid & natural disasters wipe out many survival supplies; food, land, incomes, livelihoods but not Man

Man's folly will  wipe out Man

There is no room for human's selfishness & greed

The grandeur Nukes, when exchanged, will scorch & contaminate Earth

Whoever you are; rich, poor, famous, unknowns, powerful, paupers, illuminatis... will be wiped off  

Hell is not another place but a scorching, burning Earth where water floods toohe

Heaven is where Earthlings coexist & share peacefully instead of self-destruct


Nature has a way of doing things; i was forced into a retreat & slowdown, recuperate, review, reassess & realize my follies of "achieve at all costs within my means" - the positive, grit-filled energies


Being down is just a 'slow down', not terminal


Pick up, drop the weaknesses & build on the strengths; the same solution to the same problem is a Fool's ideal

Set backs allow reflections but make strong comebacks - a slow start allow familiarization

No losses are too great than a permanent 'give-up';  天助我也

It is not about the tough, trying times; it's about you being there when the tides turn better


 Foregone...gone are forgotten


Monday, August 24, 2020

Mortal World

 days are dated yet uncertain...

COVID has been most definitive in stopping everything in its way

Countries lockdown, planes grounded, people isolated & lock-in, businesses closed, people just dropped dead like flies if infected

The impossibles were all possible

If money can buy everything, it definitely didn't buy anti-COVID defence nor bribed it

Death the leveler & COVID is swift

Man fear illnesses & cancer is the leading cause of deaths but COVID instill fears & uncertainties

Man - the mortal 天助我也

Life is a comedy; you can try but you may not get the desired outcomes

When my day is due, I'd like to say:

I have lived to the fullest with some misses and many hits

I cried on arrival but I'm leaving with a smile

Whoever is here to send me off, we are squared-off & I left nothing behind nor owe anything except memories which will fade over time...if you still owe me, please pay to my NOKs

You need not worry where I am going as nobody returns to tell the truth

Maybe, there is NO Heaven or Hell & life on Earth is the most beautiful; made ugly, sad or chaotic only by human

I have been there, done that ...GoodByes are meant to be GOOD-byes

If there's an unlikely chance that we meet again, so be it but it's likely to be good times

I shall not say "See You" soon ...but Good Luck

Nobody knows when their time will be up

But, it better be an easy exit as that is a "no pains & all gains" expiration

Sufferings are payback time for your past 

With Covid, there is an increased probability of incidental deaths

No worries; if the world must end, it will will most of us

When Words Are Cheap, Life Becomes Valueless

 words are cheap ...

When the world relates to one another and helps the less able & less fortunate, blessings blossom

 Pains and sufferings ease as there are more to share and with abundance compassion, living is a breeze

Tough times don't last; tough people do

There are more to go around as the impact of hunger is minimize

Envy is worse than jealousy


Empty promises and misinformation, ingenuine truths, fakeries, lies ...are damaging

Everything starts innocently

When greed, selfishness, need for domination & fame and unrelentless demands creep in

Man self-destruct by destroying  fellow Men

The rich cannot live in a sea of poor

There will never be equality amongst Men but living & livelihoods can be less uneven 

The challenges of life is not in itself destructive but motivating

Familiarity breeds contempt & persistent lies turn a manageable ecosystem menancing

Implosion, like COVID, destroys all Men; creed or color does not differentiate

Tomorrow is never promised


 Long after Man is gone, Nature will reclaim & prosper

The ocean & mountains gonna be cleaner, flowers and fauna blooms

The air & atmosphere will be clearer and birds & animals roam free

Every living creatures has a role in Mother Earth; Man does  not enjoy monopoly nor sovereignty

No Man is superior in this crowded world


Animals have survival instincts but Man has lost the skillset by scheming & plotting

Man is living in false comfort & trusts as Man destroys men & nations fight against nations

Jailing the persons may not kill their thoughts but isn't it better to 'prosper thy neighbors'? Multhusian theory does not apply if there is sharing, however minimal 

Depriving the commoners of fair treatment & making them to eat out of your hands is against human freedom & dignity

Life may be cheap to the supposed lordship & aristocrats but without the commoners, peasants, workers, farmers, the food chain collapses

The deprived may "kill for you" but the sword cuts both ways; Indira Ghandi learnt the truth

Man will behaves like animals when survival is threatened

Share & share alike and enjoy peaceful coexistence

There is NO cheap life; every life is important



Friday, August 7, 2020

Crisis - Money & You

reliefs is a belief...

COVID, as a warning, is ahead of Death the leveler
Death is final; Covid put you through near death-like experiences
Repent & resist the need to dominate, conquer & grab
GOD is watching 人在做 天在看
The payback is logged within karma - it hits when you are at your weakest
Fame, fortune & power, like sunrise & sunset, rotate & there is no permanency

Humans must coexist harmoniously with Nature
Destruction of Nature without consideration to other lives & living creature is suicidal
Covid is a warning & Nature's method of cleaning & clearing Man from Mother Earth
This slight remission allows Man to rethink, retreat and repent
Nature is the Arbiter - Man has damaged & destroyed others & Nature is here to eliminate Man
Soon, very soon, Man will have to eat humble pie by Order of Mother Nature

Looking at the world of equities and commodities (current standing)

Index        52Weeks Hi/Lo    Latest
N225          24115/16358        22309
SSEC         3458/2646            3345
HSI            29174/21139        24542
DJIA          29568/18213        27386
S&P500     3393/2191            3349
Nasdaq      11108/6631        11108 
FTSE         7689/4898            6026

Oil          41.92
Brent      45.02
Gold       2077

Why is commodities prices and equities in the upswing despite global lockdowns and economic slowdown? Printing of (paper) money is the cause but a collapse of confidence, henceforth, currencies will throw the world into disarray and confusion. Opportunistic wars will cause commodities prices to rise

The flight to quality holdings and investable assets are as limited as the choices. It's August 7th, Friday.
There is likely to be a shortage of  food, consumerbles, logistics medical services & medical products. Buying into soft commodities will beat gold (at current level)
In recession, at worst depression, the world levels down
Smart money cannot find save haven in a 'sabre rattling' atmosphere
The lost of confidence in paper money/values will kill global business
In the next crisis-to-be, you may not even be allowed to take money out from your bank accounts
Or, at least, it will be very difficult
Stay calm, stay safe
When order returns, life will be easier...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Survival - The Compassionate Man

augurs de la oddities ...

August came fast & furious with changes in the flick of the thumb
COVID remains invasive and disruptive
Countries open & closed swiftly when Covid invades & spread
No where is safe nor immunized against the virus
Nature's wrath knows no bounds & the world's gonna be cleaner after Her 'clean-up'

It is not for Man to decide how many can inhibit Earth
7bil is too much but 3bil is equally chaotic if Man kills Man to dominate & enslave
There is abundance to share ...if only they care to share
The rich cannot live in a sea of poors
GOD...if there is - will leave Man to self-destruct

Currency was created to ease exchange instead of bartering
The store of value, exchangeability, stability, convenience & 'fair value' were underlying principles
All shall be destroyed by greed & further aggravated by credit creation
Printing money...paper-money shalt soon become paper again
Where trusts & faiths evaporate, anarchy rises

Thucydide's trap is clearly Man's folly

When lies & fakes become the new normal
Distrusts breed contempts
When family plots & kills one another, social disorders creep in
When money buys respect, life becomes cheap
The naked emperor is always handsome yet pretty

Why wouldn't Man 'care & share'? When life gets too good, they are tempted to push the frontiers
Know your limits when treating others
When you are intrusive & overpowering, expect equally hefty reactions
Within yourself you can push your limits to break new grounds like doing the 100m dash at under 9s
Compassion, conscience & dedication make the world more livable

How do you survive a disorderly world? Compassion
The less you react, the more it deflect
Good begets good & every good act deserves another
When the neighborhood is good, locks are redundant
Have you ever wonder why 7/11 still needs lock although it opens 24/7? Trust is lacking

The good old kampong lives where doors were seldom locked & everyone knows everyone else is over

Mother Nature is teaching everyone a lesson & karma dishes out the same menu

Unless, many more start to learn and practice compassion, forgive & share, the Mother Earth cannot revover
There is no monopoly of ideas nor domination of Man & Mankind
Someday, the weak will rebel; hunger is a catalyst
Kindness must not be seen as weakness & restraints is no cowardice
Death is the leveler

After the next washout, peace, prosperity and equality returns
Who will have the last laughs? GOD & his faithful, compassionate Man


Monday, July 27, 2020

Change With The Times

looking for the next break ...

Many workers, white and blue collars alike, work for their wages
They are satisfied with their next paycheques which put meals on the table and feel secure
The days where jobs aplenty and wages rise may be over
Apart from outsourcing, COVID has proven that even within the (large) countries mobility may beincapacited
Specialization & Laws of Comparative Advantage have cannibalized the whole (product) into parts
Cost savings have scattered production all over the world; in particular, China

While nobody owes you a living, but your country owes you an obligation as you serve your nation, contributes to nation building & pay taxes

Citizens first

Nonetheless, nobody is handicap except for their mind
The top is as handicap as he thinks he has the monopoly of ideas and is indispensable
The able-body person is equally handicap when he blames everyone else except himself for his 'misfortune'
Top handicapper: When you are given a job to be "the/my right-hand man" but you turn down the offer because you say you are "left" handed


Being born and dying is not a choice
Between born & death, you have all the choices
You may be born poor but do not die a pauper
Why did slavery and women being subservient lasted hundreds of years? It was a choice until otherwise
Why are most businesspersons & successful persons non-paperchasers? When one door closes, another opens
When all doors & windows are shut; break the glasses
路是人走出来的  条条大路通罗马

COVID has made it more difficult for many who still await their next pay cheques
Jobs disappeared as lifestyles & attitudes change
Create business opportunities & venture out - be your own entrepreneurial employee
Contract & temporary works are disguised self-employment
There is no need to stress out; wherever you work, your paycheque ceased once it closes down

Turbulence is here to stay for awhile
Covid, economic slowdown, military adventurism, natural calamities, human discords...including food shortages will all kill jobs opportunities

A new normal is born

If you are looking for a break like the good old days, chances are you will hit the wall
I have been an entrepreneurial employee since I began my career 30 years ago
I work on a minimum pay basis, if any, and split the earnings with my employers

不到虎穴 怎么得虎子

The world is your oyster
Go forth and conquer
You can achieve all that you want within your capabilities & means
Change with the tides but be steadfast & focus
Whatever shalt be yours, will be if you put in the efforts

Bad times don't last; stay safe, healthy but lie low
After the bad winds blow over, the ecosystems clear up
We are experiencing a major paradigm shift
The world is leveling down
Be there when things turn better
A new era shalt be born

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Changing Moments

changing swiftly...

1H/2020 is gone & had changed the world almost completely in the ways we carry on our daily lives
The many impossibles were made possible & reality evolve with a new face
The future is a new normal
We need to change with the times and adapt in order to survive, then prosper
2020 is not a year to rush; stay fit and healthy & live long enough to enjoy when troubles passed

What's up post-Covid? Plentiful ...but let us start with the startlings
The calamities sweeping the globe from major floods, fires, locusts attacks to intentional military provocation (Thucydides Trap)
Logistics were hampered by Covid and much food were destroyed, not for lack of demand but lack of delivery/transportation and lockdown which immobilized distribution
The impact of floods would have destroyed vast amount of fruits, food/vegetables & meat
Agricultural and arable lands are decimated
Farmland and ranches are made unsuitable for animals breeding and husbandry

The food chain is broken

Recovery from Nature's wrath will take awhile
Any military adventures will kill Man & destroy mankind
WW3 is a war that will end all wars
Greed, power & fame do noting to save Mankind
The desire to dominate is a fool's choice; how will 400 years of western culture ever upend 6,000 years of Chinese civilization? Peaceful coexistence and cooperation will save all

Another bout of resurgence of Covid will wipe out half the population, not because of the virus but the added shortage of food (famine) aggravated by wars
You don't need a biblical reminder
It is Man versus Man
Capitalism, at its extreme, will result in wiping out Mankind as 'slaves fight lords" for survival
Will I survive? That's not important as surviving in a half-destroyed Earth isn't a walk in the park
The few Western warlords is trying to dominate

Rich or poor, powerful or also-runs, able or disable ...all shalt pass
Oftentimes, the handicap is less handicap than the able-bodied
With less to go around and more restraints, the new normal has arrived
Homes will be the new economic unit

Home study, eEducation, eSolutions, eCommerce, Zoom meetings, AppsBanking ...
Is Man going back to cave dwellings? Yes
Mankind will be nuked back to staying in caves
Bio-warfare, aka COVID, has immobilize everyone
A military conflict will 'bomb' us back to stone age

Haha, life is not so bleak

Multhus theory isn't wrong but the effect will be felt soon
Reverse-Darwinism is fast become a reality
When the bio-war is over, Man will regain humbleness and live happier
With eSolutions, more can be achieved with less resources
Change  with the patient

Monday, July 6, 2020

I Love My Country

walking into the sands of time...

Whether it is 1960s or 2020s, Nature wrath is no different
The difference is that Singapore had come a long way yet falling back into doldrums again due to failings within the system
Complacency, indifference and lost of the ground feel? Probably...all
Self-praise, self-denial, ownself check ownself, high horses & higher ivory tower add to the decays

SG may be without oil, minerals & resources but SG is strategically located between East & West and have a deep harbor port
Besides HR: we have the intellects & talents to develop and harness
SG was placed 2nd after Japan in Asia in the 1960s, not a fishing village as some try to distort

Count your blessings and care & share

Elitism is survivor of the fittest by disowning the less able, less capable, unable and poor
Can Society gel together with class divides? No...the rich cannot live in a sea of poor
Culture mesh together disparate people for a common destiny
Strong leadership is needed to see everyone through calamities and trying periods
Lead by example coupled with sacrifices move mountain
Selfishness, self-centredness and elitism destroy

There is no absolute right nor wrong
Darkness breaks into light
No sufferings last forever as no everlasting happiness lives indefinitely
is the harmony of Natural Order guided
by 阴阳
A healthy body may be punctuated by sickness as sickness seek harbor in the physique
A steady, calm & balanced mind overcomes varying external challenges
Whatever you ignore cannot affect you

The blue ocean has strong undercurrent
The blade of glass lives on & dance in the storm
A match stick can burn a forest
The cyclone leaves nothing intact in its path
The monk lives as happily as the king in his palace - its 生活 - 不是活生生的

Whether the country prospers, decays or remains in slums largely depend on the few leaders
Wars are fought and won by capable, determined leaders who are not influenced by self interests
For you, with you by us - this is leadership
For you, with you, by you - this is self-interests bathe with shams
Can we build a strong nation with care & share? YES
Politics may be less than clean but it must be respectable, honorable and gentlemanly
You want to win but win gentlemanly & the populace benefits as shams and scams are bad starters
Leave your name in history that future generations can read with pride

Love your country
Care & share with your citizens
Priority to the citizens and no "IFs" & no "BUTs" : citizens come first
Everyone needs only to fill the stomachs & fights for a cause & there is no need to 'self-destruct'
When tomorrow comes, life carries on
Death ; the leveler


Monday, June 29, 2020

Start, Re-Start...Starting Again

going away may not be bad...

Every morning starts with a new page, new hope
A good start is a head start
Always clear your doubts, quarrels, frustrations, misunderstandings & negative vibes before going to bed
Not that all will be resolved but be hopeful that even you can't do anything, solutions may rise
with the sun ...rising
Anyway, if you sleep & forget to get up, whatever you thought were insurmountable issues disappear too
凡事都是人为 人在事在 人亡事无
Many worried themselves into ill-health or death
If it must go wrong, it will
What can be worse than dying? Nothing; that's why its called "Rest In Peace"
Tomorrow is never promised
Live your best today and everyday
Enjoy our heavenly Earth

Rush...rushing is adrenaline pumped
The thrill of winning, conquering, gaining the first is Man's trophy
You are as good as when you are alive
Nobody can take away from you your goal so long as you continue your planned journey
Not that success is guaranteed but not doing anything is the surest way to fail
Blaming others for your failures get you nowhere
If in doubt, drop everything and retreat into seclusion - this is not an escapist act

Silence is not quietness
Empty is not void

I wanna disappear into the wilderness for awhile
To stay away from Mankind & seek refuge with Nature
Not that I am weak but to rediscover my life's journey
I am lost
Have I overachieved in too short a time & forced to slow down? Alas...looks like it
I am not a billionaire but whatever I need for basic living, I have
I have often times try to stay as healthy as I could & I've done it short of unannounced incidental sicknesses
Like all living things, we weaken as we aged
Wear & tear is a norm but Nature has no spare parts

Going away...retreating into Nature is invigorating
Away from the material world, not to die but to recharge
I have completed my journey ahead of schedule
It is time to seek solace in the soundlessnes of Nature
I will move away from the material soon
After COVID & my retreat, I shall return a better Man

Deep inside me I am a broken man, a man who has lost his way
I used to be very healthy until lymphoma visited
Umm! I am not giving effect, I am in remission and in the 'pink of health'
I have enough to go by, to live and to sustain my lifestyle
However, my adrenaline is supercharge; ready, willing and fired-up...
But, where to? COVID has lockdown all & sundry
I can only guess that this is Nature's destiny & order : "that I slow down"

Slow down, I shall

When I return, I shall shine again - doubly brighter & wiser
Man proposes, GOD disposes
Going away is destiny...will be back soon


Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...