time is always constant...
365 days & +1day on leap year... 60seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, 52 weeks
When 31,536,000 seconds passed & 2022 arrives
Time slowed down to a trickle as C19 struck; the whole ecosystem was muddled, restructured & calibrated to reflect a new normal
9/11 brought in security concerns and C19 pushed health issues into the forefront
COVID allowed Earth breathing spaces to clean up the air, oceans, mountains & surroundings
However, C19 also witnessed the resurgence of human greed, thirst for power, control & domination
While Nature assists nature to clean & clear, Nature also allow Humans to self-destruct due to their over indulgence & selfishness - no nations will be left untouched in a nuke-war
Within borders, countrymen destroy one another in their zeal for domination & control - only those with compassion, care & share will be spared 施舍 忏悔
Revolutions are the results of suppression & oppression; the commoners endeavor a peaceful environment to live, let live & to pass time
Nobody wants anarchy
Laws are necessary to ensure orders but excessive controls and micromanagement kill trust & disable initiatives; there is no monopoly of ideas & many successful entrepreneurship are the fruits of gumption & gutfeel
Marslow theory clearly showed that when Man has achieved most, he will seek self-actualisation which unfortunately may also mean that Man can self-crowned himself & make unnecessary demands from his flocks
There is no "ABSOLUTE" but two or more sides to possibilities
Do not give false hopes & promises as it could be a "live or death" matter to some
Do not be blindly pliant and obedient - you deserve the consequences of your decision
No persons/leaders, however wealthy, powerful, famous or supposedly well-like, can survive in a sea of poors
Karma has a way of taking away or gives you whatever you desired most
Everything is temporary & vanity does not immortalize your eccentricities
Physical & emotional dependence are destructive; when a person is void of emotions, he has lesser bondages
Turn away vanity, deny others any chances to judge you, beware of false prophets & friends. How? Be fearless & indifferent to their provocations and temptations
Walk free...free your Soul
May the new year offer you the chance to crystalize your ideals - no holds bar