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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Living Well In A Stressful Environment

Stress is useful; it pushes you beyond your norm
Lay your heart open, keep the brain cool
Soon you will enjoy the positive neutron of stress

Deadlines, targets, timelines, schedules
Do well, fine. Miss by a mile, the next window is exit
But, to date, nobody dies because of this failures

If you want out by committing suicide, why not give all your working organs away? Two kidneys safe 2 persons from dialysis, two lungs keep 2 persons fresh with oxygen, two eyes give vision to 2 blind persons, your spine can save someone from leukemia, your liver will save several too. The best thing is many people will remember you.

You live again happily in others bodies; Go exchange your misery with happiness & the World will shine with you (inside them)

Nothing is absolutely bad or good
Tomorrow will still come long after we expire
If the world must end we will meet again in the next world

Take it easy
Relax your mind
If you are hitting the trough, you can't go any lower

Nobody dies because he is poor
Everyone dies because his time is up
Being born & dying is NOT a choice

Follow your heart if you can afford it
Follow your guts if its necessary

I never live worrying about tomorrow
I live the best today & any day

Some days are bored, some are taxing
Most are challenging ... I always long for a better tomorrow

Friday, October 5, 2012

Surviving The Stockmarket

Everyone wants to make money but few will do their homework...

Most major markets have enjoyed their good run since July; are we at a crossroad of turbulent Jupiter-influenced October?

What have changed fundamentally? Nothing really; alot of talks and still plentiful of talking without actioning.

USA - Growth is stable to slow with Presidential election in tow. If market/DJIA is reflective of Obama's chances at re-election, its been positive. With QE3 and enhanced QEx, money is not a problem.

Euro - ECB warranty of buying any amount of bonds is not unlike QEx; flooding the system with enough monies to re-float the ailing comrades.

Asia - China's growth has slowed but she has been releasing more funds to grease their system/economy.   With a change of Guards in sight, China will likely ensure that the economy is 'healthy' and pumping. Japan is on the road to recovery; slow but steady. ASEAN bathes in the shadow of the larger economies like a boat in the ocean. Mid-East is riding on their oil dominance and, when peace returns, oil prices will ease to a more earthly level.

Russia is always the X-card, swaying in the horizon looking for gainful alliances.

Generally, the larger aka more influencial stockmarkets have priced in the excess supply of currencies by their national bodies like ECB & Fed. Cost savings from declining raw material prices, natural attrition and retrenchments have boosted their earnings.

As the fundamentals have broadly remained unchanged except of printing more money, the problems are shifted forward. Physical and paper assets are inflated in inflation.

When stockmarkets are unsure, uncertain yet flooded with hot monies but hopeful, they rises. Further gains are seen when those lag behind jump into the wagon, not convince but cannot resist the returns. As caution thins out in the air, the market shall turn. 

We are at or near .. As caution thins out in the air, the market shall turn .. The correction will be deep, sharp & fast. 

After the storm, the good days shall return but many may/will be left licking their wounds.

It's smart to lighten your investment load on a rising market or when the market challenges her previous high without any change in fundamentals. Sit out and buy into sharp dips, then ride the rebound.

Possible? Sure. The market goes in cycles but everyday a fool is born.   

You can either be BULL or BEAR but don't be a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

I am the farmer ... a lot of hardwork, plentiful of commonsense and discipline; like you, I reaped what I sow. You wouldn't disagree.

Stock Up Your Energy - Live Abundantly

 Nothing lasts forever; don't push your luck too far... When you: Betray your partners and friends to get ahead Quietly retain mutually ...