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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Is Success & Failure?

can one be successful continuously ...

Hope is the catalyst that sustain confidence before success appears
What is hope if success never appears? It's disappointment
The higher the hope, the higher the disappointment
It is said that there is a fine line between success & failure
I never accept this! It's either I succeed or fail; no two ways about it

Between good and lucky, I'd rather be lucky
Everything I do I succeed because I'm lucky
There are simply too many good and smart people around
Winner takes all
Losers have no story to tell

The real man knows when to stand up, when to lie low & when to make himself scarce
With grit & gumption, he attempts but without luck little, if not nothing, can be achieved
I have whatever it takes to succeed but, alas, luck seems to be elusive
Did I succeed ahead of my time & was trapped in a time warp
The struggle to meet the next success seems an illusively adulterated game

My strength and determination is strained
My positiveness is diluted by the onslaught of challenges
Perhaps, I am lost and need to seek a new dimension or shift the paradigm
If changing direction is the solution, I have tried many indeed
I am at wits end

I will hold on for as long as I possibly can
I will pray for deliverance and success
Success in achieving recognition ....for whatever
I have consciously move away from God & everything godly
HIS absence and non-answer are alarming; i have been screaming in the wilderness

Someday, somehow, I will succeed again 

I am deemed successful by many and in many ways
But that I have not harvested any triumphs for too long a time is detriment to my self-esteem
Whatever holds tomorrow
I like it to materialize today
I shall build my own SUCCESS

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